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Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase EmptyThu 3 Oct - 7:33 by Ev

Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase

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Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase Empty Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase

Post  Ev Mon 15 Feb - 7:50

Many thanks to Todd Field for letting us use his photos of these remarkable vases.

I have never seen a shape 2080 vase before and Todd says it measures 480 high x 150 wide which is massive.  This was first made 3.9.71.  
How stunning it is in it's glossy glaze.
It is a very exciting vase that has finally come to light cheers

Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase 2080_l10

Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase Berin_12

Close up of the design on the vase .....
Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase 2080_v10

The other vase was made for Berin Spiro, a well know Auckland florist amongst other things, to use at the World Interflora Festival being held in London in 1966.  There is a photo of Tam Mitchell working on modelling the Maori motifs in a Crown Lynn Ceramics magazine from 1966 and also a photo of Spiro with 3 of the vases.  
Todd said that this measures 445 x 185.  
These were made really large to hold the huge floral arrangements of flax and other native NZ flora.
It is really amazing to see this vase at last !!

Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase Berin_10

Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase Berin_13

Berin Spiro
Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase Berin_11

Number of posts : 17944
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

mumof1, kayabraham, MonG, Melita and Tier Carter like this post

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Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase Empty Re: Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase

Post  mumof1 Mon 15 Feb - 17:26

FABULOUS! So lucky to have these on the site!

Number of posts : 2372
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase Empty Re: Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase

Post  Ev Wed 17 Mar - 14:45

I knew I had seen those 'graphics' on the 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase before and it just dawned on me that there is also a version on the Small Rose Convention Vase cheers

Check it out !!
Puts this one on my Wish List Twisted Evil

Shape 2080 Large Rose Convention Vase (Pipe) and Berin Spiro vase 2079_s10

Number of posts : 17944
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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