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Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950

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Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950 Empty Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950

Post  Ev Sun 16 Jun - 8:35

So excited to see that flimsy little plate named as a Butter Plate cheers
This advert was in the Otago Daily Times August 1950.

This is brilliant historical information !!!!

Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950 Mckenz13

Number of posts : 18017
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950 Empty Re: Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950

Post  JanPots Sun 16 Jun - 12:44

I could spend hours/days on newspapers past. Plus the Australian one too.
Great for family tree research too 👍

Number of posts : 2161
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950 Empty Re: Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950

Post  JanPots Sun 16 Jun - 12:49

Would this be the little butter plate shape?
Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950 20240613

Number of posts : 2161
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950 Empty Re: Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950

Post  Ev Sat 3 Aug - 13:03

Yes that is the shape Janice.

We have a match for for the Kelston Rose Pattern many thanks to Kathryn Booth cheers

You may find it on other shapes too as it was made in a full dinnerset.

Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950 Rose_p11

Kelston Ware English Rose Pattern 1950 Kelsto13

Number of posts : 18017
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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