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Royal Oak Teapot - Seeking name of pattern EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:28 by Ev

Royal Oak Teapot - Seeking name of pattern

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Royal Oak Teapot - Seeking name of pattern Empty Royal Oak Teapot - Seeking name of pattern

Post  Esther Burns Tue 2 Jul - 18:43

Hi everyone, I'm guessing this teapot is Royal Oak but I do not know the name of the pattern- can anyone please tell me? Thank you.Royal Oak Teapot - Seeking name of pattern 20240610

Esther Burns

Number of posts : 3
Location : Taranaki
Registration date : 2024-06-25

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Royal Oak Teapot - Seeking name of pattern Empty Re: Royal Oak Teapot - Seeking name of pattern

Post  Ev Wed 3 Jul - 9:50

Royal Oak didn't use many decals, but I'm not sure of the names they used.
This topic shows several different shapes with flower decals on them ..

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Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Royal Oak Teapot - Seeking name of pattern Empty Royal Oak teapot

Post  oakpot Wed 3 Jul - 19:21

Yes the teapot is Royal Oak. The transfer is called "Rustic Rose", which was distributed from  Wellington.
The other items that are shown,the transfer is called "Autumn",which was distributed from Christchurch.


Number of posts : 109
Registration date : 2016-03-20

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Royal Oak Teapot - Seeking name of pattern Empty Re: Royal Oak Teapot - Seeking name of pattern

Post  Esther Burns Wed 3 Jul - 19:37

Thank you EV and Oakpot, appreciate your replies. Do you think there would be any interest in Royal Oak teapots to sell? I have two different ones, this rustic rose and a blue one with unusual white lid with blue round top bit(posted earlier). I cant find any for sale to compare. Is there no interest or are they hard to find, I can't tell!

Esther Burns

Number of posts : 3
Location : Taranaki
Registration date : 2024-06-25

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