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Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost

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Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Empty Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost

Post  Maryr Mon 5 Aug - 10:42

I have been contacted by Wayne and Brenda Manion, who established Stage Artware in the early 1980s.   I have written previously about Stage when it was owned by Beverley White, but this is a new part of the puzzle!
Blogpost here.

(And here is my first story about Beverley White's time at Stage Artware)

Wayne and Brenda Manion also manufactured ceramics under the brand DaDa Productions.  They still have some of their work, and Wayne kindly photographed everything for me.   He has allowed me to post them on this site and they will be put into galleries when our administrators have a spare moment.

All the pieces below were designed by Wayne Manion.  Wayne and Brenda very rarely marked their work so it is great to have the origin of these treasures confirmed.

Stage Artware deco mug
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Stage-11

DaDa Productions beach ball Vase
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Beach-10

DaDa Productions beach ball vase (large)
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Beach-11

DaDa Productions cylinder vases
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Cylind12

DaDa Productions vase - also made as a lamp base
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Deco-l11

DaDa Productions ashtrays
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Ash-tr10

DaDa Productions vase - also made as a lamp base
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Deco-v11

DaDa Productions vase in black - also made as a lamp base
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Deco-l13

DaDa Productions vases
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Small-11

DaDa Productions mugs
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Mugs-d10

DaDa Productions small triangle mug and teapot
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Teapot10

DaDa Productions triangle mugs (large)
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Triang10

DaDa Productions triangle mugs (small)
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Triang11

DaDa Productions terracotta planters
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Terrac10

DaDa Productions mark on the base of terracotta planters
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Dada_p10

Wayne and Brenda Manion at work at Stage Artware
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Stage-12
Stage Artware
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Stage-13

DaDa Productions early days
Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Da-da-10

Number of posts : 1993
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Empty Re: Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost

Post  Ev Mon 5 Aug - 15:13

A DaDa Productions Sub - Album has been added to the Stage Artware Album.

Number of posts : 17923
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost Empty Re: Stage Artware and DaDa ceramics - lots of new info and a blogpost

Post  Maryr Mon 5 Aug - 17:51

This is great. Thanks for sorting, Ev.

Number of posts : 1993
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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