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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... EmptyThu 5 Dec - 6:30 by Ev

Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  Ev Tue 11 Jan - 16:29

I went to the Museum last week and noticed in one of the Patterns books that they have a drawing of each pattern - what shape and colour for the cups that match and they have the shape number for the ware to be used for each pattern ..... well not all of them, but a large number of them.
I'm not sure how to set this out so that you can all look in your cupboards to see if you have these shapes, as I found 12 shapes that we don't have in the Shapes Gallery.  Here goes anyway  Laughing

Pattern Number and Name:
D104 Wayside -
770 Oatmeal .......... ....we now have this shape in the gallery Very Happy
771/5, 771/8 Plates .... we now have this shape in the gallery Very Happy
805 Saucer .... ...........we now have this shape in the gallery Very Happy
781 Cup ..... Found it and it is the tulip Smile

D108 Module -
771/5 771/10 Plates ...... we now have this shape in the gallery Very Happy
769 Fruit Saucer ............we now have this shape in the gallery Very Happy
805 Saucer   .................we now have this shape in the gallery Very Happy

D112 Tashkent -
781 Cup  ........... we now have this shape in the gallery!

D118 Tres Bon -
767 Coupe   ...................we now have this shape in the gallery Very Happy
770 Oatmeal        ...........we now have this shape in the Gallery Very Happy
771/5, 771/8, 771/10 Plates ..we now have these shapes in the Gallery Very Happy
805 Saucer ...... ...............we now have this shape in the Gallery Very Happy
847 Butter.......... Found it !!! !

Also as above for
D201 Albany,
D168 Echo - [but not the butter]

D120 Bel Air -
771/5, 771/8, 771/10 Plates ... we now have these shapes in the Gallery Very Happy
805 Saucer    ...................... we now have this shape in the Gallery Very Happy
770 Oatmeal  .......................we now have this shape in the Gallery Very Happy
781 Colour Glaze Cup .....we now have this cup!!

D121 Miranda Green -
771/5, 771/8, 771/10 Plates  .. we now have these shapes in the Gallery Very Happy
805 Saucer .........................  we now have this shape in the Gallery Very Happy
770 Oatmeal ........................ we now have this shape in the Gallery Very Happy

Also as above -
D125 Blue Pacific                    
D156 Corvette Brown also D317 Corvette Brown
D173 Strata
D204 Monaco
D214 Clematis Oyster
D395 Shibui

D172 Public Hospitals -
731 Oatmeal ......................we now have this shape in the Gallery
711 Eggcup   ......................we have this shape in the Gallery
715/01, 715/05, 715/20 Jugs .. we have this shape in the Gallery
732 Sugar.............................we now have this shape in the Gallery
736 Butter Pad ..... we now have this shape!
[The cups are 3010 by the way.]

D248 Sundance [Ivory] -
771/5, 771/8, 771/10 Plates .... we now have these shapes in the Gallery
770 Oatmeal ..........................we now have these shapes in the Gallery
Also the same above for
D251 Nirvana                                
D287 Trillo's Down Town                              
So many patterns had these shape numbers!

Now I have to go and check my cupboards and I'm hoping that narna will find some too :narna:
Yes I got a heap more Pattern names for the Tableware Patterns Database  Cool

Last edited by Ev on Mon 6 Apr - 7:50; edited 4 times in total

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  Ev Tue 11 Jan - 17:42

More help required !!!!!

What is the difference between a Fruit Saucer and a Coupe?

I think that the Oatmeal would be what I call a Porridge Plate ???
As in larger than a dessert bowl but smaller than a bread box Laughing
Can someone confirm .... please ?

I have found a few of those patterns.... but some have different pattern numbers Razz
I have an Albany D206 Porridge Plate ..... hopefully this is a 770 Oatmeal ??
Yay I have a Shibui Saucer which is an 805 cheers

Oh dear .... more help required !!!!

I have a Nirvana Side Plate but it measures 6 and 6 eighths inches .... neither one nor the other Neutral
Gosh I thought those plates would be in the size that they measure???? and GRRRRR

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  mrnarna Sun 23 Jan - 9:14

gimme a wee while to trawl through my mammoth collection

i know i have a few of the patterns shapes you are after

as for the coup i have a autumn splendour one and will photograph it next to pudding one to show difference

Number of posts : 653
Location : Invercargill
Registration date : 2010-05-04

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  Ev Sun 23 Jan - 11:28

cheers :narna:
Thought you may be able to help out .... Cool
I'm still pondering my lot and I'm still undecided confused

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Coup Versus Pudding

Post  mrnarna Sun 23 Jan - 13:05

Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Dsc0577hl

Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Dsc0580m

Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Dsc0579ls

Number of posts : 653
Location : Invercargill
Registration date : 2010-05-04

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  Ev Sun 23 Jan - 15:56

Thanks so much narna .....
They don't list any bowls as pudding bowls - only as oatmeal, fruit saucer or coupe ...
so that must mean three different sizes ?
I have a large bowl like your Autumn Splendour one in the Albany pattern.
I thought the oatmeal one would be big for serving porridge in etc ....
as their bowls can be on the skimpy side and you can't fit enough in some of them.
That just gave me an idea that the fruit saucer must be a shallow bowl Smile
So I'm wrong and the big bowl is called a coupe scratch
I wonder if Heather has measurements for these shape numbers?

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  Ev Sun 23 Jan - 16:48

You are right narna ... Very Happy
just found this in my files -
and the Coupe is a 767 .... Yay one down and many more to go cheers

Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... 700_an10

769 is a Fruit Saucer
770 is an Oatmeal
767 is a Coupe

so .... would that make your pudding bowl a 770?

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  mrnarna Sun 23 Jan - 17:31

Im 99% certain that the coup is a 767
the 3 bowl sizes I have are 15.5cm for 769
16.5cm for 770 and 19cm for the coup
and Ihave the three shapes/sizes.


Number of posts : 653
Location : Invercargill
Registration date : 2010-05-04

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  mrnarna Sun 23 Jan - 17:34

so is the small one what I refer to as a pin dish


Number of posts : 653
Location : Invercargill
Registration date : 2010-05-04

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  Ev Sun 23 Jan - 18:04

I think that the small one is a butter pat or jam dish .... that's my guess anyway.
Fantastic that you have those 3 sizes ..... can you put a pic up of the 769 fruit saucer compared to something else..... I don't think I have one or have seen one.
You are a legend narna :narna:

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty all three sizes as requested

Post  mrnarna Tue 25 Jan - 17:13

Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Dsc0582n

769 is bottom right


Number of posts : 653
Location : Invercargill
Registration date : 2010-05-04

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  Ev Tue 25 Jan - 17:51

Choice one narna bounce
I'm going to have to use those three shapes for the Crown Lynn Shapes Gallery cheers
3 down and 9 more to go Very Happy

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  Ev Thu 27 Jan - 9:36

Harking back to this topic again Rolling Eyes [I need 48 hour days!]
We really need one more Admin to concur with our findings before they go into the Shapes Gallery Wink
Also narna do you see a trend with these shapes?
They seem to be the most commonly used shapes at one time.
They are what I call the 'shallow' shape.
The 805 saucer goes with these sets and the 771/5 Bread 771/8 Luncheon 771/10 Dinner plates have this same shallow shape and belong in the sets too.
Ok so do you have those shapes for me to put into the gallery narna?
I can use some of the pics that you have already posted .... just point me there cheers
Your Pacific and Echo plates are the ones that fit flower

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  mrnarna Thu 27 Jan - 18:43

I think I have all those plate shapes somewhere

and Concur that the plates without a lip are the ones we are looking at now

on a side note are these the hospital cups you speak of Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Dsc0587z

i will shoot the whole range for you as soon as time allows


Number of posts : 653
Location : Invercargill
Registration date : 2010-05-04

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  Ev Thu 27 Jan - 21:02

Yes in the Patterns Book they are called Public Hospitals - d172 .... and those cup numbers are 3010.
It would be great if you could find a sugar in that pattern as it is a 732 shape, the bowl [Oatmeal] is a 731 shape and the butter pad is a 736.

Still lots to do on this subject .....

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  Ev Sun 13 Feb - 18:58

At the Crown Lynn: Crockery of Distinction Exhibition, Mary Morrison had a template for the shapes for Fiesta ...... and yes they were the 769 fruit saucer, 767 coupe, 805 saucer, and the 771 plates in three sizes!! So all of this mucking around was solved in a moment, as I could see what they were like. I've confidently added them to the Shapes Gallery already. Just need to find the 781 Colour Glaze cup now.... there are several shapes in the Colour Glaze cups .... I'm leaning towards the tulip shape but need some sort of confirmation Razz

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  Ev Wed 16 Mar - 15:33

I've updated the original list at the beginning of this thread, as thanks mainly to mrnarna we have most of the shapes sorted Cool
Still have three shapes to find though...
736 Public Hospitals butter dish.
847 Tres Bon butter dish.
781 Colour Glaze Cup ..... the one that goes with Riverside Green, Wayside, Tashkent and Bel Air.
As the rest of the shapes which go with these dinner sets are the same 'shallow' shape just like the Fashion Rose set that I got for a wedding present many moons ago .... I would to state that it definitely must be the 'tulip' shaped cup .... just as the Fashion Rose set had.
Just need confirmation ..... a couple of nods would be great Very Happy

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  fi Tue 5 Mar - 1:12

mmm breakfast will be fun.. shall i have it in a coupe, fruit, oatmeal pudding bowl dish pat or hospital bowl. lol. might stick with toast. :-).. I have just read all that info and my head is spinning... SO much to take in isn't there!! Think I may have some things you want but can't remember now what they were. Probably not the best time of day for me to be reading blogs :-) If you would like to do a quick summary of "still looking for' I will see if I can help :-) off to bed now, :-) Fi

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Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns..... Empty Re: Please help me find these Crown Lynn tableware shapes in these patterns.....

Post  Ev Wed 6 Mar - 7:25

Gosh didn't we do well sorting out that lot cheers
All that we are missing is the 847 butter pat in Tres Bon d108 or Albany d201 Smile

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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