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Joshua Carder/Carder Brothers

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Joshua Carder/Carder Brothers Empty Joshua Carder/Carder Brothers

Post  TonyK Sun 24 Apr - 7:02

This detail from an 1881 survey map from LINZ is under Crown copyright. It shows the Clark Pottery and Carder/Cater pottery
Joshua Carder/Carder Brothers Hobson10

and this Google maps image has the locations of the Carder land where Joshua had his works and his sons' Carder Brothers works at Brickbat Bay marked by Lisa Truttman
Joshua Carder/Carder Brothers Google10

Last edited by TonyK on Sun 24 Apr - 7:18; edited 2 times in total

Number of posts : 653
Location : Sydney Australia
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Joshua Carder/Carder Brothers Empty Re: Joshua Carder/Carder Brothers

Post  TimCaulton Thu 19 May - 13:16

Just looking at the Google map there does not appear to be an actual road off Scott road to Limeburners, and BrickBat Bay has no public road access either......seems you would need a boat to get there

Number of posts : 163
Location : Auckland
Registration date : 2009-12-29

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Joshua Carder/Carder Brothers Empty Re: Joshua Carder/Carder Brothers

Post  TonyK Thu 19 May - 18:40

Scott Road appears to run alongside Carder Bros and product was sent to the city by boat. There's an obvious path or roadway to Clark's pottery in Limeburners Bay and ditto for despatch of product.

Joshua Carder had a path from his house to his pottery (gone now though), clay on site and a jetty to get supplies in and product out. His part of Limeburners Bay was further from the open sea than the other brickworks there. His sons had a long jetty from their site. Plenty of info and photos of this online and in libraries.

Number of posts : 653
Location : Sydney Australia
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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