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The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug EmptyToday at 19:31 by JanPots

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The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug EmptyToday at 11:13 by Ev

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The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug EmptyToday at 11:03 by Ev

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The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug EmptyToday at 10:18 by Ev

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The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug EmptyToday at 10:09 by Ev

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The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug EmptyToday at 9:59 by Ev

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The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug EmptyToday at 7:01 by Ev

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The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug EmptyYesterday at 6:53 by Ev

» Titian on the base of this Urn Style Vase that was made by Crown Lynn
The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug

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The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug Empty The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug

Post  Ev Wed 21 Sep - 15:32

I've seen these large 1300 mugs many times with decals of ships etc on them.
This one however has DENNIS handpainted on it.
The inside is glazed beautifully and is bright and shiney....
the outside however is a dull matt boring colour with bands of oxide that help a little.  
My son's favourite soup mug because of the size and no his name isn't Dennis Wink

The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug 130010The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug 130010

and the base:

The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug 1300_b10
The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug 1300_b10

The 1164 mug - the glaze is a mottled warm brown, not sure if it's a honeyglaze that hasn't matured properly or not?

The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug 116410
The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug 116410

and the base:
The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug 1164_b10

The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug 1164_b10

Last edited by Ev on Sun 26 Mar - 8:58; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug Empty Re: The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug

Post  mumof1 Fri 24 Mar - 17:07

Do you still have the photos for these Ev? (Once you have recovered from your fab trip of course!)

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug Empty Re: The 1300 Mug and the 1164 Mug

Post  Ev Sun 26 Mar - 9:03

I seems that every time I post a photo another older one drops off.
I post a lot of photos so this is rather annoying !!  Blahhhh

Way back then I reduced photos to put them into the galleries so the main pics are small.  I don't do this anymore as I found a way for the site to reduce them.

I haven't come down to earth yet and may have missed some things that should have been addressed while away, so if you have something that you want me to see, please bump it and I will see it in the latest topics.

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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