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sherwood potteries Robin Hood and Friar Tuck

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sherwood potteries Robin Hood and Friar Tuck Empty sherwood potteries Robin Hood and Friar Tuck

Post  dollcrown Mon 12 Nov - 13:38

sherwood potteries Robin Hood and Friar Tuck Toby_j11


Number of posts : 255
Registration date : 2011-01-09

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sherwood potteries Robin Hood and Friar Tuck Empty Sherwood potteries tobies.

Post  dollcrown Mon 12 Nov - 13:44

Forgot to mention these are only 65mm high. Dollcrown


Number of posts : 255
Registration date : 2011-01-09

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sherwood potteries Robin Hood and Friar Tuck Empty Re: sherwood potteries Robin Hood and Friar Tuck

Post  peters Mon 12 Nov - 13:50

Hi Dollcrown,

Are you able to describe the Sherwood mark?

Thanks and nice pieces,



Number of posts : 90
Location : Auckland
Registration date : 2009-08-04

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sherwood potteries Robin Hood and Friar Tuck Empty re Sherwood tobies

Post  dollcrown Mon 12 Nov - 19:53

They are not marked underneath but am confident they are Sherwood.


Number of posts : 255
Registration date : 2011-01-09

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sherwood potteries Robin Hood and Friar Tuck Empty Re: sherwood potteries Robin Hood and Friar Tuck

Post  peters Tue 13 Nov - 10:09

I agree they are Sherwood. Was just interested if there was a mark. I've seen about 4 different Sherwood marks and there seems to be no consistency which is interesting.


Number of posts : 90
Location : Auckland
Registration date : 2009-08-04

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