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Bargain of the year!

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Bargain of the year! Empty Bargain of the year!

Post  Banker Sat 23 Mar - 16:57

I stopped in Huntly last week and there was a weeny little charity shop and I had a super awesome find. SIX lolly pink colour glaze 19.5cm coupes for $4. They are all perfect, I nearly had a heart attack. These have been hard for me to find in the past and typically go over $40 each on trademe. I gave them $20. Great to see it is still possible to have a good find!

Number of posts : 98
Location : Nelson in my little cottage with hubby Jeremy (my name is Gemma)
Registration date : 2012-02-02

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Bargain of the year! Empty Re: Bargain of the year!

Post  mumof1 Sat 23 Mar - 18:27

Congratulations Banker! Finds like this are becoming more rare - prices even in Op Shops seem to be going up where Crown Lynn is concerned - well done Very Happy

Number of posts : 2377
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Bargain of the year! Empty Re: Bargain of the year!

Post  Glenys Sat 23 Mar - 20:34

Yes! It is!
I was at a real junk shop in Dunedin last weekend. I saw a scruffy pink teapot that looked a lot like the CL shape. I mused over it but as I was preoccupied with another item I forgot about it.
When I went home I thought mmmm I don't know if that teapot would clean up nicely and proove to be CL silent
Then I thought of you Banker. "maybe she doesn't have a pink teapot."
Well I'd like you to know that I went back on the Monday morning and do you think we could find it? The old gent who owns the shop couldn't remember it and swore he hadn't sold it and I'm sure he would remember.
So then, just in case I was at the wrong junk shop I retraced my saturday steps feeling very frustrated. NO sign of a pink teapot. Crying or Very sad
I swear that somewhere in his junk shop there is a scruffy pink teapot just waiting.
But not this time Banker. I'm truly sorry. :bowdown:


Number of posts : 337
Registration date : 2012-08-29

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Bargain of the year! Empty Re: Bargain of the year!

Post  Banker Mon 25 Mar - 12:24

I have a plum one and I personally think there wasn't a pink because every teapot I have seen is part of the hotel ware or super vitrified stuff which matched other hotel ware colours (ie the blue one I have in the gallery matched tango). I have not come across any super vitrified pink.

If it makes you feel better... there is a Japanese pink teapot that comes up in second hand shops every now and then that is the exact same pink colour. I had one for a while and you could not make out the Japanese stamp but you could see a number so some people thought that was Crown Lynn. Was a great match though!

Number of posts : 98
Location : Nelson in my little cottage with hubby Jeremy (my name is Gemma)
Registration date : 2012-02-02

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