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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum EmptyToday at 19:31 by JanPots

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum EmptyToday at 11:13 by Ev

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum EmptyToday at 11:03 by Ev

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum EmptyToday at 10:18 by Ev

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum EmptyToday at 10:09 by Ev

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum EmptyToday at 9:59 by Ev

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum EmptyToday at 7:01 by Ev

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum EmptyYesterday at 6:53 by Ev

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Empty A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum

Post  mumof1 Tue 16 Apr - 9:44

A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum 1315_m10
Many thanks go out to trader 'trudiles' and her Mum for allowing us to use this photo of the 1315 mug
A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum 131510
Clever Mum R noticed that the Z is backwards on the stamp too!

Thanks again to both of you for your help with our site cheers

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Empty Re: A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum

Post  Ev Tue 16 Apr - 18:25

I have this on my watchlist so that I could check out the number ....
The records show - 1315 - "D" Coffee Mug - first made 28.08.79

I wonder what the "D" connection is, as I don't see any ????

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Empty Re: A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum

Post  Ev Thu 23 May - 17:02

I found one of these today and it's very smart and rather different to any other shape we have.

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Empty Re: A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum

Post  JanPots Mon 23 Feb - 7:53

On the 1981 Price List from the museum notes...
Shape 1315 Deco no. J14 Decoration called "Nightlife"
Just putting this info here, in case a cup with Nightlife pattern shows up!

Number of posts : 2160
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Empty Re: A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum

Post  Ev Sun 24 Jan - 18:15

Finally the Nightlife J14 pattern shows up on Trade Me

Now I have to check if I have this dark version .....

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Empty Re: A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum

Post  Ev Sun 24 Jan - 18:31

It appears that I have given this mug away and I would like to ask Jeremy to check if he has it and if he could take a photo of it on it's own to go into the Patterns Gallery please Smile

Edits to add that I saw it in your stitched montage Jeremy and I see it is not the dark version, so perhaps we should wait for that one.

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Empty Re: A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 24 Jan - 19:08

I do have a 1315 Ev and I believe I got it from you but will have to check the colouring.
The only ready-made image I have is what I dragged from the shapes gallery.

BTW. Auckland Museum has a lovely studio photo of 1312 through to 1315 (A-D mugs)  but they printed it backwards. I noticed that only because their 1314 was Herb Garden, which I have. I made a duplicate setup from my own collection but it is somewhere among the other 11,300 pics on the iPad!

OK I go look. Nope, I've put my castware aware to make room for hand potted. I'll have to troll thru the iPad.

Nope again. I must have just thought of it as I was overseas when I went through the Auckland Museum photos.

But yes it was the brown one and there is an image on site in show us your mugs, Ev where you posted yours for me to pick from. I'll look there.

Last edited by Jeremy Ashford on Sun 24 Jan - 19:52; edited 1 time in total
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Empty Re: A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 24 Jan - 19:20

Here's your pic Ev. It'll have to do until I dig out and photo the real thing.
A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Show_u10
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Empty Re: A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum

Post  Ev Sun 24 Jan - 19:22

Oh yes that is exciting as it is in the right colour combination cheers
No worries I can wait however long Smile
We are only two patterns away from 1400 .......

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Empty Dark Night life mugs

Post  sarah and Cloud Fri 14 Apr - 21:37

Hi, here is some pictures of my 1315 Nightlife Mugs A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum P1090810
A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum P1090812
A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum P1090811

sarah and Cloud

Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2017-01-15

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Empty Re: A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum

Post  Ev Sat 15 Apr - 5:43

Thanks Sarah and Cloud Smile
Jeremy did post a photo of his one,
but it doesn't have the Nightlife backstamp like yours does, so I will add it to the Backstamps Gallery thank you.

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum Empty Re: A 1315 Mug for the gallery from Trudiles and her Mum

Post  Maryr Sun 16 Apr - 7:40

Wow ANOTHER new backstamp.  I have never seen that one before.

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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