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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  suda Wed 17 Apr - 11:55

First the soup bowl with 2 makers marks but cannot identify, anyone have any ideas dHad a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Img_1729 second is a huge lidded urn but no mark at all $2 so I couldn't pass it by.
Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Img_1730

Number of posts : 40
Location : Masterton
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Wed 17 Apr - 13:06

suda wrote:First the soup bowl with 2 makers marks but cannot identify, anyone have any ideas dHad a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Img_1729

The mark on the right looks like Helen Mason's ..... no idea of the one on the left ...?
That lidded crock has been beautifully decorated, by a very artistic sure hand and made very well indeed. Great finds cheers

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Fri 28 Nov - 19:25

Posting teaandcoffee's comment into here where it belongs ....

"I think the mysterious mark on the left may be that of David Griffith. The one on the right is definitely Helen Mason. Refer to pg. 37 of the book Profiles of 24 NZ potters (1988)"

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Fri 28 Nov - 19:38

Oh gosh I'm not sure about that mark belonging to David Griffith as his mark in the 24 Profiles book doesn't show the surround which is circular on the pot. On page 38 there is a glimpse of his mark and it looks like a small 'flower' mark inside an oval .....? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Yes we agree on the Helen Mason mark Smile

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  teaandcoffee Fri 28 Nov - 22:12

The spokes and style of this one are similar to the sketched mark on pg 37, so I'm not sure if it would show the outer extent of the stamp. The use of a prunt (if that's the right term to use in ceramics) to mark his pot in the book is definitely pretty distinctive but the mark is too awash with glaze for me to be certain its not the same one. It is the closest I can find to this one. The clincher would be finding if there was an occasion when Helen Mason and David Griffith's paths crossed at some stage.

Another mark in the same book which could be considered is that of Leo King's on page 54. There is a "King" mark in the unknowns section which looks close to his signature.


Number of posts : 332
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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Kat & Co. Sat 29 Nov - 9:05

Helen Mason lived at Driving Creek Railway, maybe this wheel mark means that? a mark of place(Barry Brickells) rather than potter.?? cat
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Cat-a-lat Tue 10 Mar - 22:47

In the photo with the $2 big lidded urn, does the small vase to the left have a mark on it?

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Wed 11 Mar - 7:09

Cat that beautifully decorated pot is made by Red Barn Pottery from Kerikeri Northland.  I don't know the potter's names, but I sure admire their work which incidentally is high fired.  When ever I come across a piece on my travels it is always expensive.  We don't have any of their work on the site yet, so if suda would add her piece that would be excellent.

Edits to add a listing :

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Cat-a-lat Wed 11 Mar - 8:23

LOL, I was about to add that listing! That's what prompted me to ask if we had the ID of that vase, as I knew I had seen one on this site at some point, so I did a little sleuthing until I found it! They are lovely!

Number of posts : 1043
Location : Palmerston North
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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  suda Wed 11 Mar - 8:47

Awesome sleuthing, my hubby picked that up for me (because he liked the colours) but I've never been able to find maker.
Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. 2015-011
Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. 2015-012

Number of posts : 40
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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Wed 11 Mar - 8:52

Ooooo I've never seen a Red Barn piece with a mark on it before!!  
I will try to blow up that mark .... Is it a mark or something else?

Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Red_ba10

Last edited by Ev on Wed 11 Mar - 8:56; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Kat & Co. Wed 11 Mar - 8:54

Its great info as I see these often & wondered if they were local. Cool
PS is that weta home grown too?
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  suda Wed 11 Mar - 10:52

Kat & Co. wrote:Its great info as I see these often & wondered if they were local. Cool
PS is that weta home grown too?
Wally the Weta has been hanging around for years actually found him in bottom of a thin necked vase from a garage sale, took ages to get him out.
I'm pretty sure it is a makers mark too deep and defined.
I took that pic in a hurry before work this morning will get a better closer and clearer pic tonight.

Number of posts : 40
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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Cat-a-lat Wed 11 Mar - 12:42

Does a little happy dance :party:

Number of posts : 1043
Location : Palmerston North
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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  suda Wed 11 Mar - 15:37

Red Barn Pottery was set up by Doug Alexandra in 1968, he returned to Australia in 1970 and died in 1981 but his Australian Pottery marks are different than this mark, still trying to track down other potters who may have worked there or owned it after Doug. Red Barn Pottery is now Enz of the Earth

Number of posts : 40
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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Wed 11 Mar - 15:53

Thanks suda, I found that info on a Google search -

Gosh their output must have been terrific going by the amount of Red Barn pottery I have seen. Or perhaps they sold the business to someone else who used the same name? 1970 is an early time for this pottery I think. More research required !!

There are many pots on Google attributed to Doug Alexander and marks too, but none look like the Red Barn pottery that is beautifully decorated ...?

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Wed 11 Mar - 15:59

Here are Doug Alexander's marks thanks to the Australian Potters Marks site -

This link says he worked for 9 months at the Red Barn Pottery ...

Someone else must have made the prolific beautiful pottery that we know as Red Barn pottery. Now to find out who !!

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
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Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Thu 12 Mar - 8:27

A piece of Red Barn pottery was put on the New Zealand Studio Potters Facebook page, so I asked if anyone knew who made it and Greg Barron replied ...

Not sure if Warrick is the correct spelling as it could be Warwick.  So now we have a name at last !!  Though I can't find anything on Google about Warrick/Warwick Davy.

Edits to add:  ENZ of the Earth established 1995 was previously Red Barn Pottery and is run by Irwin and Geraldine.  Address is conflicting: 127 Kerikeri Road and Marsden Road.
The pot on Facebook has the same mark on it as suda's pot, so I guess that is indeed a stamp and I will add it to the Gallery.  I will go to the library today and check out the Electoral records for Red Barn owners.

Last edited by Ev on Wed 8 Mar - 16:26; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Thu 12 Mar - 17:36

Ok so I found Warwick John Davies on the Northland Electoral Roll and I've just seen a post added to the facebook page that his wife's name was Geraldine.

Edits to add that I have been corrected that his surname is Davy.

Last edited by Ev on Wed 8 Mar - 16:30; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  teaandcoffee Thu 12 Mar - 18:58

I can add that the potter Irwin's surname is Lawson. Geraldine Davies (I had thought the name was Davy but may well have been wrong) did a lot of the decorating. As a pottery, Geraldine told us Red Barn had stopped operating around 1995. ENZ was something else - not a pottery.


Number of posts : 332
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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Fri 13 Mar - 17:30

I've decided to take the so called Red Barn mark out of the Gallery as it looks just like an air bubble that has opened up in the throwing process. I have only seen Red Barn work that has stickers on it, so we will have to see if another mark turns up.

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty The mark that isn't a mark IS a mark!

Post  Jeremy Ashford Fri 2 Sep - 10:17

I picked this vase as Red Barn from the index pic in the listing in "other New Zealand manufacturers".

When I opened the listing to the fullsize pic I saw no reason to doubt that it was Red Barn.

Surprise surprise, I also saw the mark that isn't a mark, so maybe it is, just half-filled with glaze in the photo above.

Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Fri 2 Sep - 10:34

Great show Jeremy, I will put the first mark in the Gallery when I get home tonight.

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
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Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  teaandcoffee Fri 2 Sep - 21:35

I don't like being the one with the pitcher of cold water in hand but this mark is the screw head potter's mark I talked about a couple of months ago, and I'm not confident the decoration is the same as Red Barn.

My current working theory, as Anne knows, is that this may have been Janet Smith's early mark. Janet is a prominent Waikato potter who has been active professionally for a number of decades and is still working at her pottery near Cambridge. I don't know if any reply has been received from her yet. It might not be her mark, but I'm reasonably confident this piece is not by Irwin Lawson of Red Barn.


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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Sat 3 Sep - 6:44

Thanks T&C.  I was going to check this out last night but was too tired to do so.
I agree that it is the screw head mark and the decoration is different to Red Barn.

Number of posts : 18009
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