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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Oct - 7:33 by Ev

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. - Page 2 EmptyWed 2 Oct - 22:46 by Snail

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. - Page 2 EmptyWed 2 Oct - 8:15 by Ev

Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. - Page 2 Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sat 3 Sep - 10:07

I have taken a minor interest in Red Barn because they were kind of local. It is easy to pick the same recurring pattern we already have (with variations in execution and colour) here but they did produce others. There is a different one at one of the local opshops that I have yet to photo (which has been seen on tm), so maybe I can get a better idea of the general look of their decos. I'm still new to this.

Different patterns past and current:
(same as or similar to opshop piece, sticker for provenance)
(sticker for provenance)
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. - Page 2 Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Ev Mon 6 Nov - 7:02

Irwin Lawson has posted on FB that he made the Red Barn pottery and Geraldine Davy decorated it.

Number of posts : 17942
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
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Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help.  Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri. - Page 2 Empty Re: Had a good weekend collecting but now need some help. Plus Warwick Davies Red Barn Kerikeri.

Post  Nicole Sat 14 Sep - 11:43

Hi there ,I sang with Warwick Davies Jazz trio in the 1980s… He and His wife Geraldine had the red Barn in Kerikeri….. this is their work and they came up with these patterns in the glaze……they are unmistakable and distinctive. I was with Him sometimes when he threw pots when He and His partner split ,and he moved to whangarei and worked in Kamo ..often …(always when I saw )……his Potts had the swirl of his finger underneath and would “ring” when he pinged them …one day I said I didn’t think pottery could make a “ping” he replied …that they were no bloody good if they didn’t! And gave me a teapot!… This is their work.(I miss him greatly both me and my husband )who knew him too.Great musician.


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Registration date : 2024-09-14

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