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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? EmptyYesterday at 14:02 by kitsch

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? EmptyYesterday at 12:51 by Ev

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? EmptyMon 14 Oct - 17:42 by kitsch

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? EmptyMon 14 Oct - 7:21 by Ev

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? EmptyMon 14 Oct - 7:18 by JanPots

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? EmptySun 13 Oct - 13:49 by Ev

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? EmptySat 12 Oct - 16:55 by Tanya Matthews

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? EmptySat 12 Oct - 7:31 by Ev

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? EmptyFri 11 Oct - 16:26 by Ev

Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn?

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? Empty Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn?

Post  meganana Fri 24 May - 5:50

Can anybody help me here please. We have a vase #430 (round, floater) and with it is the frog shown in the photo. We are trying to establish if the frog is genuine Crown Lynn. The two pieces have always been together in our family for well over 50 years.
They look like the same material and the feel is pretty much the same but despite extensive internet searching (and even resorting to going to the library Laughing I cannot find any information on CL flower holders. There is some kind of number or letters (2 we think) on the base of the frog (raised in the pottery rather than carved in) but it is impossible to identify them. Even a jeweller with his special glass wasn't much help.
Has anyone got any info that can assist please? Many thanks.


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2013-05-11

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? Empty Re: Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn?

Post  Cat-a-lat Fri 24 May - 6:48

Have you uploaded the photo somewhere?

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? Empty Re: Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn?

Post  meganana Fri 24 May - 21:49

Sorry - I have tried several times to upload the photo with no success. How embarassing given I own a software company. Ev has offered to help so I might have to impose and take up that offer... Thanks. Annette


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2013-05-11

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? Empty Re: Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn?

Post  mumof1 Fri 24 May - 22:34

Hi Annette, try this link It may help to open the site in 2 tabs so you can go back and forth between the two.

In summary, once you have chosen the topic, choose Host an image, 15 from the left under the title, click choose file, click on the photo to upload from your files and hit open, choose the Host it option, when it is complete, choose the middle of the three, right click on it, click copy, then in your topic box right click in the margin and paste. Scroll down to the preview below the topic box to see if it worked. Good luck !

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? Empty Re: Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn?

Post  Ev Sun 26 May - 12:02

I'm very pleased to load these photos for meganana as we may not see another frog/flower holder like this for a while ....

Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? Frog10

Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? Frog_w10

I would just like to add that if the numbers on the frog were Crown Lynn, they would be easy to see and read.

I found a similar frog on google and it has England on the base ....

Another similar frog by Clarice Cliff ...


Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? Empty Re: Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn?

Post  Ev Fri 28 Jun - 20:32

*Coughs* I found one of these flower holders .... how about that ?
I can't see any markings ........ the colour is more cream than white.
Will post a photo when I get around to it .....

Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? Empty Re: Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn?

Post  Ev Sun 30 Jun - 13:44

Here is the flower holder that I found for 50c ....
it is around 10cm high and doesn't have any markings

Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? Frogg10

Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? Empty Re: Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn?

Post  Ev Mon 1 Jul - 16:50

Ok so this has been painted !
It is possible that it was painted by Salisbury, but who knows?
It is too light to be Crown Lynn ...... the end.

Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn? Empty Re: Frog (flower holder) for vase #430 - is it Crown Lynn?

Post  Ev Sun 21 Dec - 15:45

There is one of these flower frogs in the Salisbury Catalogue,

Someone would have supplied Salisbury with the blanks and they would have painted them ...... but who?

Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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