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Novice colur glaze question

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Novice colur glaze question Empty Novice colur glaze question

Post  Anne30 Mon 17 Jun - 19:52

Are these  three cups  colour glaze  cups and if so are they mustard tan and orange  coloured?
They dont look like my other colour glaze shaped cups I am confused. Novice colur glaze question 100_5220

Number of posts : 38
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2013-02-11

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Novice colur glaze question Empty Re: Novice colur glaze question

Post  Ev Mon 17 Jun - 20:01

Hi Anne,  These are shape 25 cups [Shape 3019] and the glazes do look like colour glazes to me.  All of the colours have names and numbers, but we don't know them all yet and are working on it when possible.  Crown Lynn used so many colours and if you check out some of the colour glaze threads in this topic you will get some idea of how many there are.

Number of posts : 18048
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Novice colur glaze question Empty Thanks for the tips

Post  Anne30 Mon 17 Jun - 20:06

Thank you

Number of posts : 38
Location : Palmerston North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2013-02-11

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