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Flora and fauna plaques

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Flora and fauna plaques Empty Flora and fauna plaques

Post  TonyK Mon 15 Sep - 11:59

Plaques of native flora and fauna were produced for the opening of Ceramic House in 1969. As well as the large size small plaques about 140mm square were produced:
Flora and fauna plaques Cl_nat10

These are also described as teapot stands and the base has raised circles which may have been intended for feet of some sort:
Flora and fauna plaques 100_1010

Recently glazed examples of the small plaque/stand have been listed for sale on TradeMe but an unglazed underside suggests that they weren't glazed at Crown Lynn.

I'm not sure whether the glazes are typical of CLP products from the late 1960s. confused

Number of posts : 653
Location : Sydney Australia
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Flora and fauna plaques Empty Re: Flora and fauna plaques

Post  Ev Thu 5 Mar - 17:43

Hemara had about 5 of the small flora and fauna that he showed me.
They are each glazed in a slightly different green colour.
He treasures these pieces.

Number of posts : 17942
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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