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Glazes used on Vitrified Ware

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Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Empty Glazes used on Vitrified Ware

Post  Ev Fri 25 Apr - 7:33

Caramel Vit - 00014
1 Yellow Line - 3
Super Vit 2 Red Lines - 75
Super Vit Ballins - 72
Rusticanna Vit - 705
Plain White Vit - 1
Mushroom Vit - 13
Hospital Vit Colour Glaze - 305

All of the numbers have Deco in front of them.
If I find any more I will add them to the list.

Last edited by Ev on Thu 4 Jun - 9:24; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Empty Re: Glazes used on Vitrified Ware

Post  JanPots Fri 25 Apr - 9:17

Teal is another-- I have Teal 00061 in my notes.
Lime - 00054 - could be vitrified as I have a cup in the vitrified shape (3610)
and oyster to go with Mode- 00051

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Empty Re: Glazes used on Vitrified Ware

Post  Ev Fri 25 Apr - 17:43

Hmmm my thoughts are that the Hospital Colour Glaze Vit 305 is the Vitrified Teal glaze, as it often gets called the Hospital Glaze.
I think the Vitrified glazes will have different numbers to the Earthenware colour glazes.
To prove this theory I need some time to find another number for Rusticanna and I won't have time until Sunday.

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Empty Re: Glazes used on Vitrified Ware

Post  Ev Fri 25 Apr - 17:58

Curiosity got the better of me so I checked in the Database and found ....

Rusticanna d695 [Why don't we have this in the Patterns Gallery huh?]

Rusticanna Vitrified 705

Rusticanna Colour Glaze d00016

So that kind of proves my theory really, but more research needs to be done!

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Empty Re: Glazes used on Vitrified Ware

Post  mumof1 Wed 30 Apr - 9:27

Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Dsc01110
I found this large oval yesterday, I am assuming it is vitrified, but also patterned
Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Dsc01111
Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Dsc01112
numbered 1631
Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Dsc01113
it also has an 01, as do other vitirified plates I have

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Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Empty Re: Glazes used on Vitrified Ware

Post  JanPots Wed 30 Apr - 10:08

Mumof1 - It is... the 1631 - means that it is vitrified -
On the shape guide, some shape number have letters E and other a V I took to be Earthenware & Vitrified Wonder if the O was for Ovenware?

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Empty Tango Blue

Post  Jeremy Ashford Wed 30 Apr - 10:40

Ev wrote,
"I think the Vitrified glazes will have different numbers to the Earthenware colour glazes."

I had previously notice variations in Tango Blue when trying to match a tulip set with a B&B. This might be the place to discuss that.

1. Tango Blue on an E/W Roydon South Pacific B&B is Pat. No 379.

2. Tango Blue on a vit Cook & Serve can appears to be the same colour.

3. Tango Blue on a rimmed dishwasher safe B&B is d00060, and presents as a different, DARKER colour.

4. Tango Blue on my 1615 teapot (vit) matches 3

5. Tango Blue on my 05 Tankard milk jug (vit) matches 3 & 4

6. Tango Blue on an eggcup saucer (vit) matches 3, 4, 5

7. Tango Blue on the lid of my Cook & Serve mustard pot (vit) is even LIGHTER than 1 & 2.

8. Blue Tango bakeware and coffee pot (vit) match 7

9. Narvik Blue tulips, pudding bowl etc (E/W) match 3

10. Old stamp Colour Glaze Tango Blue salad bowl (E/W) appears to fall between 2 & 3.

YES! This is all very confusing.

In summary there are two Tango Blue pattern numbers and there are items of vitrified china and earthenware that match both.

Some Tango Blue items appear to match neither. On some vitrified wares the colour is lighter than both.

On one earthenware item the colour falls between the two pattern numbers.

This is probably no help at all!!!!


On a different matter about colours (which brings up the subject of variation within a pattern), while in Auckland I saw a set of five (reduced footring 3618) vit coffee cans that appeared to be a match for my reflections set. As they cost $4 each and I had no saucers to match to make up a six set (and a shortage of space) I just bought one as a spare. They were displayed with bakeware of a similar but not identical mushroom colour. I thought at the time that the new can might not be a perfect match for the reflections can and when I got home I found that it was noticeably different (but would probably not appears so in a photo). I don't know whether this is simply a matter of different batches and quality control or if there was another pattern of can duo in this colour. Were any other designs produced in mushroom? (Habitat, Henderson)
See also

Last edited by Jeremy Ashford on Wed 30 Apr - 10:48; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Add quote)
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Empty Re: Glazes used on Vitrified Ware

Post  JanPots Wed 30 Apr - 10:59

awesome work Jeremy on the blue tango glazes - I can't think of anything else in mushroom... was that only for vitrified pottery? I have a 3019 cup of a similar shade, but have not compared them, for close inspection LOL

but looking through my notes I found I have written " 270 Teal vitrified on a 3620 cup" which would have come out of the deco advice book. Does that help Ev? oh course 3620 is a cup that we have to identify! but 270 is a different number again..
well must go and do some jobs!

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Empty Re: Glazes used on Vitrified Ware

Post  Ev Thu 4 Jun - 9:29

A list of Vitrified Glaze names that don't have numbers but there are photos of the patterns ... thanks to the Portage Museum !!

Colony [this looks just like Rusticanna!]
Monte Carlo
Speckle [this looks so much like it is the duck egg blue glaze!]
plus more

I must get on with identifying these, but it doesn't look easy as cameras have such a variable colour range!

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Empty Super Vitrified Lime Side plate

Post  Kat & Co. Tue 7 Jul - 10:36

16.3cmD Is this Lime 00054? also this colour is same as the other Lime plates I have in Earthenware.. cat
Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Img_3010
Glazes used on Vitrified Ware Img_3011
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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