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Did Nile 1313 have a saucer? EmptySat 2 Nov - 17:23 by JanPots

Did Nile 1313 have a saucer?

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Did Nile 1313 have a saucer? Empty Did Nile 1313 have a saucer?

Post  Jeremy Ashford Wed 2 Jul - 15:53

Did Nile 1313 have a saucer? 1313_b10
My "Nile" 1313 "B" Coffee Mug (28.8.79) came with a saucer in all-over black glaze which I think is probably a 4029 Two angle wide well saucer (25.6.75)Did Nile 1313 have a saucer? 4029_t10
It looks good but it's hard to say whether it is a fit or not
I think the saucer is too small.

Ev, Janice, any thoughts on this?
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Did Nile 1313 have a saucer? Empty Re: Did Nile 1313 have a saucer?

Post  Ev Thu 3 Jul - 8:16

As Crown Lynn seemed to have a thing about mugs having saucers it is very likely that the Nile mug had one. I will have a play with saucers for my one.

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Did Nile 1313 have a saucer? Empty Re: Did Nile 1313 have a saucer?

Post  Maryr Thu 3 Jul - 9:47

Ev this is hopelessly vague but I do recall you finding an advt somewhere (maybe in the Museum files) which pictures this mug...

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Did Nile 1313 have a saucer? Empty Re: Did Nile 1313 have a saucer?

Post  Ev Thu 3 Jul - 10:12

What an awesome memory you have Val ....

It wasn't a photo, but in the 1981 Crown Lynn Price Lists at the Museum,
Nile was listed along with Herb Garden, Parthenon, Nightlife and Bouquet.
No mention of saucers though.

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Did Nile 1313 have a saucer? Empty Re: Did Nile 1313 have a saucer?

Post  Jeremy Ashford Thu 3 Jul - 12:21

I see that the 4029 is the right saucer for 3038 cans, noted some in one of my google results as the squashed handle one but obviously also a fit for the curvy handle one, so if this saucer isn't right for Nile it would look smart with a white 3038.

Now the black underside of the saucer is not standard is it?
I think some of the later cup and saucer styles had dark undersides. I wonder what other design, in 3038, perhaps would have come out on these saucers if not the Nile.

And following up on that price list, Ev:

Herb Garden deco Q08 shape 1314
Nile deco Q07 shape 1313
Parthenon deco Q06 shape 1312
Nightlife deco J14 shape 1315
Bouquet d899 shape 3049

Neither Nightlife nor Bouquet d899 appear as patterns in the gallery, just Bouquet d628.

Is Nightlife a pattern as such or could it refer to the glazes on the 1315 as it appears in the shapes gallery?
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Did Nile 1313 have a saucer? Empty Re: Did Nile 1313 have a saucer?

Post  Ev Thu 3 Jul - 13:07

Jeremy Ashford wrote:
And following up on that price list, Ev:

Herb Garden deco Q08 shape 1314
Nile deco Q07 shape 1313
Parthenon deco Q06 shape 1312
Nightlife deco J14 shape 1315
Bouquet d899 shape 3049

Neither Nightlife nor Bouquet d899 appear as patterns in the gallery, just Bouquet d628.

Is Nightlife a pattern as such or could it refer to the glazes on the 1315 as it appears in the shapes gallery?

Don't have a definite answer Jeremy as we don't know what they look like yet, but as the others are distinctive patters I would guess that both of these are too.

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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