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Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book

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Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book Empty Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book

Post  Ev Sun 7 Sep - 16:04

1010 Plaque 250mm

Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book 1010_p10

1025 Small Dish 136mm dia

Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book 1025_s10

1031 Base

Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book 1031_b10

1032 Plate Stand

Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book 1032_p10

1033 Bowl

Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book 1033_b10

1042-4 Lampbase 210mm high

Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book 1042-410

1043-2 Lampbase 210mm high

Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book 1043-210

The bases/plate stands/bowls above are then joined as in this example in the Wharetana Catalogue -

Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book Wharet10

I have seen two of these listed on Trademe over the years and nobody knew what to make of them, so now we know what they are.

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book Empty Re: Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book

Post  teaandcoffee Mon 8 Sep - 11:40

Well done Ev! These and other images from the modelers' book are amazing. You have turned up a really critical piece of the Crown Lynn story here. Now, any pictures of egg cups by any chance... clown


Number of posts : 332
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book Empty Re: Wharetana from photos in the Crown Lynn Modellers book

Post  Ev Mon 8 Sep - 12:21

Yes I agree that all of the Crown Lynn records are important and I wanted to record these before they vanish into the woodwork like Richard Quinn's findings have, as his may as well be called hidden treasure now, locked away at some Portage Ceramic Trust hideaway.
I still have a few hundred pics to process, but I don't think there are any eggcups. I will add every shape to the site that I can identify and the rest will be used for reference purposes.

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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