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So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra!  Shape No.1 EmptyToday at 10:09 by Ev

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So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra!  Shape No.1 EmptyToday at 9:59 by Ev

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So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra!  Shape No.1 EmptyYesterday at 6:53 by Ev

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So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra!  Shape No.1 EmptySat 30 Nov - 11:03 by Ev

So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra! Shape No.1

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So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra!  Shape No.1 Empty So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra! Shape No.1

Post  Ev Tue 3 Feb - 18:51

Eeeeeeahhhhh it's a beauty and has handwritten on the base Crown Lynn No 1
The colour is like the Peacock Green stain and this kind of surprised me to see it's depth of colour in the flesh!.  The colour is quite patchy, but adds to the gorgeousness of the pot.  It has 11 dots missing so I will endeavour to replace these using a slip trailer to make the dots then fire them and glue them on.  
There is something very magical about Daniel's work that makes me want more and more and more!
Photos tomorrow hopefully .....

Last edited by Ev on Sun 11 Mar - 9:16; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 18012
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra!  Shape No.1 Empty Re: So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra! Shape No.1

Post  JanPots Wed 4 Feb - 8:47

Exciting! can't wait to see the photos !! I bet you are so happy right now !! Laughing

Number of posts : 2158
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra!  Shape No.1 Empty Re: So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra! Shape No.1

Post  Ev Thu 5 Feb - 9:16

Green and blue are such hard colours to capture on digital are they not?
This comes out much darker than the true colour, but here you go ...

So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra!  Shape No.1 Steens10

So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra!  Shape No.1 Steens11

Number of posts : 18012
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra!  Shape No.1 Empty Re: So excited to have in my hot little hands a Spotty Steenstra! Shape No.1

Post  Kat & Co. Thu 5 Feb - 9:38

its awesum !! Cool
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2321
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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