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822 Large Ribbed Vase [Interflora] 6 inches high first made 11.12.62

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822 Large Ribbed Vase [Interflora] 6 inches high first made 11.12.62 Empty 822 Large Ribbed Vase [Interflora] 6 inches high first made 11.12.62

Post  Ev Wed 8 Apr - 14:36

For months now I have picked this up and thought that it should be Crown Lynn as it has the right feel and the right weight.  The fact that it was high fired and spray painted helped tell me this too.  There are no marks on the base and the paint has been lightly sprayed over it.  The inside is plain and doesn't have any paint, but I couldn't place it until the other day when I spied the shapes 821 and 822 in the Gallery and this fitted perfectly and the size was right.  I raced down to the Hospice shop today hoping that they hadn't thrown it out and gave a big sigh of relief to see it still there!  I will use this photo for the 821 until we find one as it will look the same, but it will only be 4 and a half inches high.

822 Large Ribbed Vase [Interflora] 6 inches high first made 11.12.62 822_la10

Number of posts : 17919
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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822 Large Ribbed Vase [Interflora] 6 inches high first made 11.12.62 Empty Re: 822 Large Ribbed Vase [Interflora] 6 inches high first made 11.12.62

Post  Maryr Wed 8 Apr - 15:33

Well done Ev. The moral of the story.. If you think it might be important, grab it first time you see it! You can always give it back to the charity shop if your intuition is wrong. I have lost out on so many pieces by not following gut feeling

Number of posts : 1993
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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