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Who made these mystery pieces please? Empty Who made these mystery pieces please?

Post  mumof1 Fri 22 May - 18:15

Who made these mystery pieces please? Dsc05716
This is a lovely little stonewear lidded pot
Who made these mystery pieces please? Dsc05717
It looks to be marked GL?
Who made these mystery pieces please? Dsc05718
Next is this lovely vase, pretty in blue & white
Who made these mystery pieces please? Dsc05719
Which looks to be marked JR in a circle. This mark is similar to the one in the mystery marks gallery, but that one is in a square.
Who made these mystery pieces please? Dsc05720
Lastly this pretty bowl, nicely decorated
Who made these mystery pieces please? Dsc05721
Marked with a long tailed B.

Number of posts : 2374
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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