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elephant - Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp EmptyFri 11 Oct - 16:26 by Ev

Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp

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elephant - Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp Empty Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp

Post  haselnuss Wed 14 Oct - 14:10

The elephant is the Aquila elephant shape and well made not Hobby.
It has a Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp under its belly and dollcrown posted a dolphin with a Gemma China sticker some time ago.

I have a look online and there was a registered Gemma China company from 1986 which got stuck off in 1991.
The directors were:
Keith Raymond WHITE
162 South Road, New Plymouth, 4310, New Zealand
16 Oct 1991 and Margaret Ann WHITE
162 South Road, New Plymouth, 4310, New Zealand
16 Oct 1991

I think that they probably purchased NZ made China to sell on. Which would mean that the elephant is made by Aquila/Orzel.

What do the experts think?
elephant - Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp Gemma_10
elephant - Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp Gemma_11

dollcrowns link:
elephant - Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp Dollcr11

Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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elephant - Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp Empty Re: Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp

Post  Ev Wed 14 Oct - 15:57

There are some real mysteries around for sure. Manos can look at an elephant that has been titled Titian or Aquila or Orzel and know that it isn't for reasons that I don't understand, so I'm no help at all really.
I suggest that you should put it on the Facebook Titian/Aquila/Orzel page and ask about it, as I know Manos will see it on there and would most likely comment.

Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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elephant - Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp Empty Re: Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp

Post  haselnuss Tue 12 Jan - 11:24

Manos said it was not made by Aquila! And Dollcrown found out that Gemma China bought greenware that they decorated themselves.

Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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elephant - Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp Empty Re: Aquila elephant shape with Gemma China Ltd NZ back stamp

Post  Ev Mon 15 May - 6:40

Cam and Bev Brown were at the Crown Lynn Market on Saturday and acdc71 had four elephants for sale from Manos's auction and Cam knew that only two of them were made by Aquila as they always painted the bottoms of the feet black.
One of the other two was really light and the other was really heavy.

Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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