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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   EmptyThu 7 Nov - 16:02 by kitsch

» Name this plate
Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   EmptyWed 6 Nov - 8:44 by Ev

» Name this plate
Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   EmptyTue 5 Nov - 17:13 by Shirley Wells

» Lots of images of named bricks
Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   EmptyTue 5 Nov - 15:15 by Ev

» Shape 21 - 8 is my new favourite vase!
Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   EmptyTue 5 Nov - 15:09 by Ev

» slightly different bathroom ware 1455 Soap Holder and the 1456 Tumbler
Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   EmptyTue 5 Nov - 14:10 by Ev

» Whimsical ducks
Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   EmptySun 3 Nov - 22:28 by MargaretB

» Kermiko Tangaroa bottle
Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   EmptySun 3 Nov - 8:25 by Ev

» Identify this mug
Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   EmptySat 2 Nov - 17:23 by JanPots

Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please? Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.

5 posters

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please? Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.

Post  mumof1 Wed 2 Mar - 17:23

Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Dsc09410
Who made this bowl please, I have searched the site, but came up with nothing
Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Dsc09411
The base is signed BH and stamped Te Aroha, but I can't find anything online.

Number of posts : 2373
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty Re: Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please? Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.

Post  mumof1 Thu 3 Mar - 7:53

Thought I would mention that initially I thought this was Roy Addison signed hastily.

Number of posts : 2373
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty Re: Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please? Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.

Post  Miramoran Mon 11 Mar - 20:55

Did you ever find out? I found three wine goblets with the same Te Aroha stamp, but with the initials E.S. in New Plymouth last week and was hoping to find out where these are from. Also- is that a wine carafe in your profile picture? It looks the same style as my wine goblets. Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   3b180510
Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   B305c410


Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2019-03-11

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty Re: Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please? Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.

Post  Ev Wed 13 Mar - 10:56

Hi there, still no clues as to who made these pots stamped with Te Aroha, sorry.

Last edited by Ev on Wed 13 Mar - 12:36; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty Re: Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please? Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.

Post  mumof1 Wed 13 Mar - 12:29

"Also- is that a wine carafe in your profile picture? It looks the same style as my wine goblets."

Sorry Miramoran, the carafe was made by Frederica Ernsten, not related to your goblets. Te Aroha stamp is still a mystery to me.

Number of posts : 2373
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty Re: Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please? Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.

Post  Miramoran Wed 13 Mar - 12:33

Thanks both! Mumof1- if you can recommend any potter who sells carafes I would be very grateful!


Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2019-03-11

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty Re: Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please? Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.

Post  mumof1 Wed 13 Mar - 12:42

Where do you live? Also, take a look on Trade Me, there are always a few on there under 'other NZ manufacturers'.

Number of posts : 2373
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty Re: Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please? Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.

Post  Miramoran Wed 13 Mar - 12:43

Hamilton. Thank you I’ll look at TradeMe!


Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2019-03-11

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty ES Te Aroha

Post  JanPots Thu 28 May - 15:16

The back- stamp " ES Te Aroha " I can't find it in the NZ potter marks - have I missed it? or does this one need to be added?
Ive looked under E S T and A and the unnamed ones cyclops
Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Nz_ite11
Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Nz_ite10

Number of posts : 2155
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty Re: Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please? Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.

Post  Ev Thu 28 May - 15:41

Can you add it to the Mystery Mark's Gallery as E S please Janice with a link to here and that way it will be on the www and hopefully someone will let us know who they are Smile

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty Re: Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please? Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.

Post  JanPots Fri 5 Jun - 14:06

Esme Smeeth. She is now in her 80.s and living in Australia
Information was given by a lady called Angela who lives in Te Aroha

Number of posts : 2155
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty RE, Potter BH.

Post  AUTHORPOM Thu 1 Aug - 12:39

Did anyone find out who the Te Aroha potter BH is please as I have a 25cm x25cm platter with BH Whakatane mark on the base.

Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2016-02-09

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Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please?  Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.   Empty Re: Who is the potter BH from Te Aroha please? Also ES Te Aroha is Esme Smeeth.

Post  Ev Thu 1 Aug - 13:28

AUTHORPOM wrote:Did anyone find out who the Te Aroha potter BH is please as I have a 25cm x25cm platter with BH Whakatane mark on the base.

That may be Roy Addison.

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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