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1950s Ceramic Vase Identification

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1950s Ceramic Vase Identification Empty 1950s Ceramic Vase Identification

Post  vanlampve Wed 4 May - 19:15

My mother purchased a set of these vases in the 1950s and I am trying to track down some history and/or purchase some.  it looks like Italy 9766 on the base to me.  Any assistance would be great.  Peter
1950s Ceramic Vase Identification 2016-015
1950s Ceramic Vase Identification 2016-013
1950s Ceramic Vase Identification 2016-014


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2016-05-04

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1950s Ceramic Vase Identification Empty Re: 1950s Ceramic Vase Identification

Post  Ev Thu 5 May - 7:36

Hi there vanlampve, your vase has been made in Italy and I have no idea who made it.
The site below may be able to help you, but you will have to join and post your photos in there. They are very helpful when it comes to European pottery. Good luck.

Number of posts : 17978
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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1950s Ceramic Vase Identification Empty 1950s Ceramic Vase Identification

Post  vanlampve Fri 6 May - 14:58

Thanks for your help and I will try that site.


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2016-05-04

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1950s Ceramic Vase Identification Empty Re: 1950s Ceramic Vase Identification

Post  teaandcoffee Fri 6 May - 20:46

A more specialised site for you may be this one:

It is run by Walter Del Pellegrino, perhaps among the most eminent 20th Century Italian ceramics experts.


Number of posts : 332
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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