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Forma coffee pot 1125 and 1206

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Forma coffee pot 1125 and 1206 Empty Forma coffee pot 1125 and 1206

Post  JanPots Sun 31 Jul - 13:29

The amount of times I have looked at museum notes and information is beyond counting..... but until yesterday I never realised there were 2 sizes to the forma coffee pot... in the words of Homer Simpson duh.!!!
Here is my latest purchase on the right
Forma coffee pot 1125 and 1206 2016-011

Number of posts : 2152
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Forma coffee pot 1125 and 1206 Empty Re: Forma coffee pot 1125 and 1206

Post  Ev Sun 31 Jul - 14:38

I haven't seen that pattern before Janice !!

Number of posts : 17955
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Forma coffee pot 1125 and 1206 Empty Re: Forma coffee pot 1125 and 1206

Post  JanPots Sun 31 Jul - 14:46

It's in the gallery. But under the 3000 cup shapes... I really like it too Very Happy  i should  add it to the no name patterns gallery. Edits.... you beat me too it.
This is another colour variation of the same pattern
Forma coffee pot 1125 and 1206 Screen11

Number of posts : 2152
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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