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For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO  EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:28 by Ev

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For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO  EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:20 by Ev

For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO

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For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO  Empty For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO

Post  Maryr Sun 14 May - 12:19

A pink sugar, 8 cm high.
For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO  Royal_13
A big mug with that distinctive RO handle... 10.5 cm high.
For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO  Royal_16
A jar for chocolate coated ginger. 10 cm. EDITS this is not Royal Oak - see following post
For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO  Royal_17
A plain jar with 'hand crafted in New Zealand' on the base. 11 cm excluding cork. EDITS this is not Royal Oak - see following post
For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO  Royal_14For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO  Royal_15

Last edited by Maryr on Tue 29 Aug - 15:04; edited 2 times in total

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO  Empty Re: For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO

Post  oakpot Tue 16 May - 10:15

The two storage jars were not manufactured by Royal Oak.They have a different shoulder and neck.
The photo below is from a shipment of 5000 storage jars manufactured by Royal Oak.This item is now in the Portage Museum.

For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO  20160110


Number of posts : 109
Registration date : 2016-03-20

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For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO  Empty Re: For gallery Royal Oak items - and two that are not RO

Post  Maryr Wed 17 May - 9:16

Thanks Oakpot. I will ask the Brown family if they made those other two jars.

Edit - yes the other two jars which are not Royal Oak are made by Orzel.

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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