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1191 elf ear handle mug

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1191 elf ear handle mug Empty 1191 elf ear handle mug

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sat 27 Jan - 21:58

1191 elf ear handle mug Image36

1191 elf ear handle mug Image37

I have finally found a castware 1191 "elf ear handle mug" which dates from somewhere betweem 1973 and 1975. I've wondered for years now what this would look like and was really surprised at the shape.

On a tight visit to Auckland I tossed up whether to pop into Westmere store Babushka. Dad, who was a dealer, introduced me to Sonia when I used to go antiquing with him many years ago now and I pop in when I remember. The shop is mainly English dinnerware but she has a little CL, some handthrown NZ pottery, and a small amount of glass. I occasionally find something really interesting there and Sonia gives me a nice price.

Sonia thought this looked like a Keith Murray mug, and I can see why. I suspect however that it may be modelled on something American as it has some similarities with mugs from Caribe in Puerto Rico. I may also have a coffee-to-go mug styled similarly too but will need to have a good scrounge around to check that out when I get home. I also think it would be a good shape for a Memphis mug, with coloured glazes it would really look the part.

I dropped into the CL museum after my brief opshopping expedition and Hannah offered me the use of one of their cards for taking my photos. I thought blue would look nice with this CRISP WHITE-GLAZED mug but the ipad fooled itself, turned the card grey and the mug yellow so I will rephotograph before adding to the gallery.

I love it when new castware mug shapes turn up, but especially when I find them!

1191 elf ear handle mug Image38

Last edited by Jeremy Ashford on Mon 29 Jan - 17:13; edited 1 time in total
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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1191 elf ear handle mug Empty Re: 1191 elf ear handle mug

Post  Ev Sun 28 Jan - 6:44

What an exciting find Jeremy cheers

Congratulations on your relentless search and finding this in a most unlikely place.
I have been there several times and always enjoy the experience, but haven't been for a few years now. I look forward to seeing it in the Gallery Very Happy

Oh how I miss going to the Museum!! I have so much to do there and I work Saturdays. I asked Hannah on Facebook yesterday if there was any news on a new director being appointed and she said that applications for the position only closed last week.

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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