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Decorators marks Morris and James

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Decorators marks Morris and James  Empty Decorators marks Morris and James

Post  Maryr Fri 9 Feb - 10:03

Mike Rose from Morris and James has helpfully identified some decorators' signatures.  NOTE that the decorators often executed other's designs. For example below you will see the same tulip pattern executed by two different decorators.

There are plenty more marks we don't know - hopefully they will be indentified in time.  Some of these px are off Trademe. In all cases the traders have given permission for them to be used for this purpose.

Sorry some of these pics are a bit large. I had trouble reducing their size for some reason.

The M is Marina Waller. This fish tile is from around the year 2000.
Decorators marks Morris and James  001mor10Decorators marks Morris and James  001_mo11
Rooster plate also Marina Waller
Decorators marks Morris and James  006_mo11Decorators marks Morris and James  006_mo16
Tulips by Marina Waller
Decorators marks Morris and James  012_mo17Decorators marks Morris and James  012_mo12

Floral wall hanging by Opal Heseltine. This mark is OH. This also is from around the year 2000
Decorators marks Morris and James  002_mo11Decorators marks Morris and James  002_mo10

Tulip tile by Adrienne Thatcher
Decorators marks Morris and James  013_mo13Decorators marks Morris and James  009_mo12
Rooster dish and rooster platter by Adrienne Thatcher
Decorators marks Morris and James  008_mo14Decorators marks Morris and James  008_mo15
Decorators marks Morris and James  009_mo15Decorators marks Morris and James  009_mo16
That is all I have found out so far. I will add a few unknown signatures in a separate post.

Number of posts : 1995
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Decorators marks Morris and James  Empty Re: Decorators marks Morris and James

Post  Ev Fri 9 Feb - 20:04

Wonderful ceramic artists !! Thanks for sharing these Val !

Number of posts : 18054
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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