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Crown Lynn swan art exhibition in Gore!

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Crown Lynn swan art exhibition in Gore! Empty Crown Lynn swan art exhibition in Gore!

Post  Maryr Tue 27 Feb - 9:42

Artist Rod Eales has been in touch re her exhibition of paintings based on the Crown Lynn swan.  It is amazing work, well worth a visit if you are down that way.
It runs from 24 Feb to 29 April.
This link to more detail about her work with swans.
 This link gives you the location of the gallery.
Here are a couple of examples of her work
Crown Lynn swan art exhibition in Gore! Rod_ea11
Crown Lynn swan art exhibition in Gore! Rod_ea10

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Crown Lynn swan art exhibition in Gore! Empty Re: Crown Lynn swan art exhibition in Gore!

Post  Jeremy Ashford Tue 27 Feb - 15:16

I agree.
well worth a look.
a baker's dozen pics like this to blow up and look at.
what a generous web page.
it's hard to believe these are oils.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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