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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac EmptyToday at 9:00 by Ev

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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac EmptyYesterday at 7:14 by Ev

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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac EmptySun 6 Oct - 15:30 by Michael J

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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac EmptySun 6 Oct - 15:04 by whathepottery

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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac EmptySat 5 Oct - 12:19 by chef

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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac EmptyFri 4 Oct - 15:06 by Hilary Browning

Is this Crown Lynn? No this is Sylvac

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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac Empty Is this Crown Lynn? No this is Sylvac

Post  Di Brandon Wed 20 Mar - 18:08

Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac Img_2911
Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac Img_2910
Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac Img_2911
Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac Img_2911
Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac Img_2910

Di Brandon

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2019-03-13

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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac Empty Re: Is this Crown Lynn? No this is Sylvac

Post  Ev Thu 21 Mar - 8:34

Hi there, this is really lovely, however it wasn't made by Crown Lynn.
I can see writing on the base, but can't make out what it says.
If you use a magnifying glass you will be able to see who made it.
Good Luck Smile

Number of posts : 17945
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac Empty Re: Is this Crown Lynn? No this is Sylvac

Post  Nana2x2 Thu 21 Mar - 8:41

Hi, it almost looks like the SylvaC writing, maybe this could be a starting point. I often trawl through eBay to see if I can find a match.

Number of posts : 117
Location : Te Aroha
Registration date : 2016-10-21

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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac Empty Re: Is this Crown Lynn? No this is Sylvac

Post  Ev Thu 21 Mar - 8:44

A quick google turned up this Sylvac Fushia Vase which is very similar, but not an exact match ...

Number of posts : 17945
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac Empty Is this Crown Lynn?

Post  Di Brandon Thu 21 Mar - 10:10

Thanks EV, the markings on the bottom have been giving me a nightmare, the middle row looks to start with a large S, the others could be anything!.Bottom number appears to be 1938. I look at your idea.Cheers

Di Brandon

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2019-03-13

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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac Empty Re: Is this Crown Lynn? No this is Sylvac

Post  Ev Thu 21 Mar - 10:45

Here is another one Di and the number is at the top on the base if you check out the 2nd pic.

Number of posts : 17945
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this Crown Lynn?  No this is Sylvac Empty Is this Crown Lynn?

Post  Di Brandon Thu 21 Mar - 12:53

That is definitely it, I was looking at the base upside down! Thank you so much for solving my question, much appreciated. DB

Di Brandon

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2019-03-13

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