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» Titian on the base of this Urn Style Vase that was made by Crown Lynn
New Shape Wharetana Ware Lidded Box EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

New Shape Wharetana Ware Lidded Box

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New Shape Wharetana Ware Lidded Box Empty New Shape Wharetana Ware Lidded Box

Post  Ev Fri 15 Nov - 7:52

A lovely lady who worked at Crown Lynn circa 1948 to 1955 showed me this lidded box and it took my breath away.
I have never seen this shape before and it didn't have a number, but was clearly Wharetana Ware.
She said that when she could she would buy something from work and she had an array of animals, for example the Monkey eating a banana, the big Spaniel, the comical dogs etc, plus a gorgeous Coffee set with demitasse cups and saucers in blue.  She also had a dark blue Ginger Jar.

She asked me if I had heard of Shufflebottom and was very surprised to find out that his name was Shufflebotham.

She remembered when all of the English girls turned up at Crown Lynn and she said that the locals didn't like them at all.

She adored Tom Clark and his sister Winsome.  Tom's roving eye got him into all sorts of trouble .... she recalled.

They worked hard and she remembered that she bought all of the bricks needed for their house that they built at the time.  

New Shape Wharetana Ware Lidded Box Wharet10

New Shape Wharetana Ware Lidded Box Win_wh10

New Shape Wharetana Ware Lidded Box Wharet11

Last edited by Ev on Sun 17 Nov - 7:25; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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New Shape Wharetana Ware Lidded Box Empty Re: New Shape Wharetana Ware Lidded Box

Post  Hannele Sat 16 Nov - 0:24

Gorgeous! And will you look at that colour green.

Number of posts : 702
Registration date : 2018-02-03

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New Shape Wharetana Ware Lidded Box Empty Re: New Shape Wharetana Ware Lidded Box

Post  JanPots Sat 16 Nov - 5:29

That's an awesome story Ev Wink

Number of posts : 2160
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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