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Christine Harris for gallery the one that got away...

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Christine Harris for gallery the one that got away...  Empty Christine Harris for gallery the one that got away...

Post  Maryr Fri 29 Nov - 15:52

Pic courtesy of Ev, who saw this amazing vase in a closed opshop in Ponsonby.... I phoned them and they said sure, it's yours in a few days when we change the window display... then they rang again and said woops sorry we promised it to someone else!
So I had a brief moment of joy.
Anyway here is Ev's pic. This is a Memphis-style vase and they are very hard to come by.
Christine Harris for gallery the one that got away...  Christ12

And here is a jug in the Portuguese pattern I found recently. Which is slight consolation.
Christine Harris for gallery the one that got away...  Christ13

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Christine Harris for gallery the one that got away...  Empty Re: Christine Harris for gallery the one that got away...

Post  JWoo Mon 9 Sep - 7:05

I have a yellow version of this that I’ve put on TradeMe. It has a chip on the base though unfortunately. It's not signed but the artwork is so much the same surely it would have to be Christine Harris work? Christine Harris for gallery the one that got away...  Img_1810


Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2024-09-08

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Christine Harris for gallery the one that got away...  Empty Re: Christine Harris for gallery the one that got away...

Post  Maryr Mon 9 Sep - 7:51

Hi yes that is 99.9% sure to be Christine's work. Nice decoration too - ps I see I haven't posted an update re the blue floral. In the end, she came my way and now lives happily with several other Memphis vases at home.

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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