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» Hardy Browning
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 EmptyToday at 12:06 by Hilary Browning

» Studio Ceramics WOVEN KETE
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 EmptyToday at 09:07 by Myhaylos

» John Booth
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 EmptyYesterday at 04:33 by Ev

» Cursive LA - Luke Adams 1906/8?
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 EmptyWed 02 Oct 2024, 19:46 by Snail

» Glenn Beattie
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 EmptyWed 02 Oct 2024, 05:15 by Ev

» Is this a Len Castle?
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 EmptyTue 01 Oct 2024, 20:13 by Ballear

» Rosemary Perry
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 EmptyTue 01 Oct 2024, 04:47 by Ev

» Chrisso Pottery, Bulls
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 EmptyMon 30 Sep 2024, 07:34 by Ev

» Royal Oak selection 1943 -1964
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 EmptySun 29 Sep 2024, 16:10 by Ev

Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994

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Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 Empty Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994

Post  Maryr Mon 17 May 2021, 13:43

These images are from a booklet Icons of New Zealand published in 1994 by the National Business Review. It came to me via Matt Nisbett. It will go to a museum at some stage.
These are the pottery pages from the booklet.  (Ev, you might have a better idea for the heading. I wanted to make all those names searchable.
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 Potter10
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 Potter12
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 Potter13
Images of Catherine Anselmi, Raewyn Atkinson, Christine Boswijk, Len Castle, Bronwynne Cornish, Moyra Ekkuittm Steve Fullmer, Gill Gane, Royce McGlashen, John Parker, Richard Parker, Rick Rudd, Christine Thacker, Chris Weaver, Merilyn Wiseman 1994 Potter14

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

Ev, Jeremy Ashford, mumof1, Hannele and Truffles like this post

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