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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick EmptyToday at 18:15 by krism

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick EmptyToday at 9:00 by Ev

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick EmptyYesterday at 16:52 by Ev

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick EmptyYesterday at 7:14 by Ev

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick EmptySun 6 Oct - 16:28 by Ev

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick EmptySun 6 Oct - 15:30 by Michael J

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick EmptySun 6 Oct - 15:04 by whathepottery

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick EmptySat 5 Oct - 12:19 by chef

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick EmptyFri 4 Oct - 15:06 by Hilary Browning

JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick Empty JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick

Post  Ginger beer Mon 14 Jun - 15:55

I was given this recently, and would love to know anything about it if you can help! Thanks
JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick 19940812
JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick 19942312
JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick 19950511
Ginger beer
Ginger beer

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2021-06-14

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick Empty Re: JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick

Post  Ev Mon 14 Jun - 15:58

This is a beautifully made high fired stoneware casserole.

I can't tell who the potter was sorry, but hopefully someone will know.

It's a beauty cheers

Number of posts : 17945
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick Empty Re: JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick

Post  Ferret Mon 14 Jun - 19:55

Hi Ev. I think there is a K above the JS. John and Shirley Killick


Number of posts : 22
Registration date : 2016-07-25

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick Empty Re: JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick

Post  Ev Tue 15 Jun - 7:39

Thanks Ferret. It did cross my mind, but I couldn't see the K.

Here is their mark Ginger beer and I agree with the Ferret.

Number of posts : 17945
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick Empty Re: JS or 123 (?) NZ mark on lidded pot, is by John and Shirley Killick

Post  Ginger beer Thu 17 Jun - 16:41

Amazing, Thank you both so much!

I did look through the potter's marks gallery, but only for J & S
Ginger beer
Ginger beer

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2021-06-14

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