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Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides

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Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Empty Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides

Post  Julie Sun 29 Aug - 7:49

Apologies if this is the wrong place.  I am looking for replacement sides for my Talisman pottery wheel.  Would any of you kind potters in New Zealand have any suggestions?  I have spoken to the new company owners who have no ideas.  Many thanks.


Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2021-08-29

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Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Empty Re: Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides

Post  Ev Sun 29 Aug - 7:58

I know that there is a place in Auckland that takes old wheels and refurbishes them or uses them for parts. No idea of the name of the place though. Nathan Homestead in Manurewa has used them many times to take old wheels.

Number of posts : 17945
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Empty Help Please

Post  Julie Sun 29 Aug - 8:12

Thank you for taking the time to reply. A bit far for me as I am in Queensland. Hoping to be able to get just the sides and replace myself.


Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2021-08-29

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Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Empty Re: Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides

Post  Ev Sun 29 Aug - 8:42

Gosh you should ask in pottery groups in Queensland to see if anyone can help there.
This is a New Zealand based group.
Talisman wheels were made her in NZ.

Number of posts : 17945
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Empty Help Please

Post  Julie Sun 29 Aug - 9:11

Dear Ev,

Thanks for your reply. I doubt anyone here knows, I was hoping that some clever person in NZ would have an idea because there must have been many more of them. I will try posting in Au but suspect I will not have any luck. I have two options - sell as is, or take it to pieces and manufacture my own, which could be a little fraught. The motor and wheel are ok.


Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2021-08-29

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Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Empty Re: Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides

Post  Ev Sun 29 Aug - 9:51

Could you post photos please Julia?
Or send them to the site on and I will post them for you.
Do the sides hold the splash pan?

Number of posts : 17945
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Empty Help Please

Post  Julie Sun 29 Aug - 12:14

Photo sent via gmail. I took the tray off yesterday but it sits on top.



Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2021-08-29

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Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Empty Re: Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides

Post  Ev Sun 29 Aug - 13:59

Here are Julie's photos ...

Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Img_0910

Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Img_0911

Number of posts : 17945
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Empty Re: Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides

Post  Ev Sun 29 Aug - 14:32

Well I've never seen a Talisman body go like that Julie :O

Though it looks like you can still use it .....?

Number of posts : 17945
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Empty Help Please

Post  Julie Sun 29 Aug - 17:18

Yes, it does go. It has been sitting on a concrete floor which I suspect let moisture seep into the parts which touch.

There must be someone around who has plans or makes the side panels, surely.



Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2021-08-29

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Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides Empty Re: Help Please, with Talisman pottery wheel sides

Post  Helenmc3548 Fri 17 Nov - 15:06


I have had the same problem with mine. Maybe it’s a Queensland problem Wink

A kind friend made a new frame for me back in the 90’s.

I’ve now acquired another one with a frame that is in such poor condition that the existing frame cannot be used as a template to make a new one.

I am looking for the template. Is it possible to get a copy of it?



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Registration date : 2023-11-17

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