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Sailing Ship Tankard Q1300 and Hunting Scene Q1400

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Sailing Ship Tankard Q1300 and Hunting Scene Q1400 Empty Sailing Ship Tankard Q1300 and Hunting Scene Q1400

Post  Ev Mon 21 Feb - 13:54

Came across these two patterns in old sales records today.

These were made c1980/1981 as the word Tankard was used in the dockets, I knew they had to be this shape!

Sailing Ship Tankard Q1300 cheers

Sailing Ship Tankard Q1300 and Hunting Scene Q1400 130010

Hunting Scene Q1400 photo courtesy of Louise Lusby:
Just waiting for permission from Louise to post her pics ....
Thanks Louise Very Happy

Sailing Ship Tankard Q1300 and Hunting Scene Q1400 Huntin10

Number of posts : 18047
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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