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Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico EmptyToday at 15:06 by Hilary Browning

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Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico EmptyToday at 12:07 by Myhaylos

» John Booth
Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico EmptyYesterday at 7:33 by Ev

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Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico EmptyWed 2 Oct - 22:46 by Snail

» Glenn Beattie
Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico EmptyWed 2 Oct - 8:15 by Ev

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Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico EmptyTue 1 Oct - 23:13 by Ballear

» Rosemary Perry
Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico EmptyTue 1 Oct - 7:47 by Ev

» Chrisso Pottery, Bulls
Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico EmptyMon 30 Sep - 10:34 by Ev

» Royal Oak selection 1943 -1964
Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico EmptySun 29 Sep - 19:10 by Ev

Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico

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Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico Empty Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico

Post  welly.c Mon 28 Feb - 21:11

Hi all, this is a 10cm tall vase.  Can anyone identify the markings on the underside?  Maybe Australian?

Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico 20220228
Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico 20220227
Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico 20220226


Number of posts : 43
Registration date : 2021-01-19

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Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico Empty Re: Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico

Post  welly.c Mon 28 Feb - 21:16

Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico 20220229


Number of posts : 43
Registration date : 2021-01-19

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Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico Empty Re: Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico

Post  Ev Tue 1 Mar - 7:22

Hi there this was made by Ambrico before Crown Lynn existed.
It is a Shape 39 and the markings on the base are called fraction marks.
There are several theories as to what they represent, but nothing definitive yet.
It's a lovely old vase Very Happy

Number of posts : 17941
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico Empty Re: Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico

Post  welly.c Tue 1 Mar - 13:17

Thanks Ev, I was tempted to ask if it was but am a bit gun shy trying to identify Ambrico stuff... I only know enough to be dangerous!


Number of posts : 43
Registration date : 2021-01-19

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Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico Empty Re: Brown Trickle Glaze Vase - was made by Ambrico

Post  Ev Tue 1 Mar - 13:19

Nobody will bite in here Very Happy
We are all learning cheers

Number of posts : 17941
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

Maryr and JanPots like this post

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