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A new Shape !!! Shape 439 small round dish.

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A new Shape !!!  Shape 439 small round dish. Empty A new Shape !!! Shape 439 small round dish.

Post  Ev Wed 13 Jul - 12:27

Many thanks to Chris Shearer of Invercargill Habitat Restore for letting us use their photos cheers

What a buzz it was to see this on Facebook and I sent a message in April to ask if we could use the pics and today got a response cheers

It's described as a Small Round Dish or Ashtray 5 inches wide.
It's in the shape of a flower flower

A new Shape !!!  Shape 439 small round dish. 43910

A new Shape !!!  Shape 439 small round dish. 439_ba10

Number of posts : 18047
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

Jeremy Ashford, Maryr, JanPots, MonG, Bliss, bsan012, Melita and like this post

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