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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. EmptyYesterday at 16:52 by Ev

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. EmptyYesterday at 7:14 by Ev

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. EmptySun 6 Oct - 16:28 by Ev

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. EmptySun 6 Oct - 15:30 by Michael J

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. EmptySun 6 Oct - 15:04 by whathepottery

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. EmptySat 5 Oct - 12:19 by chef

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. EmptyFri 4 Oct - 15:06 by Hilary Browning

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. EmptyFri 4 Oct - 12:07 by Myhaylos

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. EmptyThu 3 Oct - 7:33 by Ev

Is this white vase Crown Lynn? No it isn't.

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Empty Is this white vase Crown Lynn? No it isn't.

Post  kitsch Sat 17 Dec - 12:26

A white “turned” vase 19 cm/7.5 inches high, 9.8cm wide at top, 6.4 cm at base. Matte finish feels much smoother at first two steps of vase and rougher at top step. No marks on base. Any suggestions please.


Number of posts : 99
Location : Kapiti Coast
Registration date : 2010-08-29

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Empty Is this white vase Crown Lynn

Post  kitsch Sat 17 Dec - 12:32

Sorry here are photos. Getting used to posting.


Number of posts : 99
Location : Kapiti Coast
Registration date : 2010-08-29

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Empty Re: Is this white vase Crown Lynn? No it isn't.

Post  Ev Sat 17 Dec - 12:33

Hi there, we really need to see a photo please.

Crown Lynn were very good at stamping their vases or putting numbers on them.

If you can't load a photo, send it to the site on and I will load it for you.


Number of posts : 17944
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Empty Re: Is this white vase Crown Lynn? No it isn't.

Post  kitsch Sat 17 Dec - 13:00

Pics attached hopefully


Number of posts : 99
Location : Kapiti Coast
Registration date : 2010-08-29

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Empty Re: Is this white vase Crown Lynn? No it isn't.

Post  Ev Sat 17 Dec - 13:02

Photos courtesy of kitsch :

Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. White_15

Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. White_16

Hi kitsch, this is not a shape that Crown Lynn made.
I have no idea who made it sorry.

Number of posts : 17944
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Empty Re: Is this white vase Crown Lynn? No it isn't.

Post  JanPots Sat 17 Dec - 15:37

I have one of these and yes it does have that " crown lynn " feel about it but as Ev said not a crown lynn shape. I love the shape Smile

Number of posts : 2151
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Empty Re: Is this white vase Crown Lynn? No it isn't.

Post  kitsch Sat 17 Dec - 17:38

Hi Jan Pots
Thanks for the comment. I now have two of them. The latest purchased this morning for $2 in an Op Shop. I agree they have a Crown Lynn feel. The funny thing is that after making the post and Ev replying I noticed a mark on the top rim which looks like a C or an L with an L slightly to the lower right side of the first letter. It looks like a “mark” because the edges look too crisp to be “just a fault” That mark is not evident on the other piece. Maybe check yours.
If you care to share your email or mobile number I will send you a pic and ask for your thoughts. Cheers. Chris(Kitsch)


Number of posts : 99
Location : Kapiti Coast
Registration date : 2010-08-29

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Empty Re: Is this white vase Crown Lynn? No it isn't.

Post  JanPots Sat 17 Dec - 20:21

I had a look at the base of mine and there are no markings.
You can add photos on this thread so that others can see and add comment ( more eyes the better lol)
I would love to see them 😍
Either send them as you did before to the email address that Ev gave or try adding them yourself.
This might help...
Click the " circled button ". Image attached
Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Screen19

Click "Select file " then search for the image on your device.
Click the arrow " send all"
Then you will see it upload .
Click" insert all "
Then i "preview" before i "send"
In case i make an error

Once you have mastered unloading photos you will be adding new posts all the time. Hahaha
Good luck.

Number of posts : 2151
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Empty Re: Is this white vase Crown Lynn? No it isn't.

Post  kitsch Wed 21 Dec - 18:29

Reply to Janpots. Apologies this took so long to reply. Thank you for guidance on loading photos.
I’ve just sent off a pic and had a reply already from Ev re the Topic “Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Ac74a910
this is a poser” which is about a very large Royal Oak pot I have which does “fit” the Gallery guides. So a poser for Poe please to solve.
Here is a pic of the odd mark on the rim of the tapered vase we were talking about. It looks too “formed” if you know what I mean. The lower mark looks very much like an “L”
What do you think.


Number of posts : 99
Location : Kapiti Coast
Registration date : 2010-08-29

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Empty Re: Is this white vase Crown Lynn? No it isn't.

Post  JanPots Thu 22 Dec - 12:40

Its hard to say what the mark might be.
i have lots of pottery that end up in my mystery pile and this is one of them. Hehe
Would be cool to find out who made them


Number of posts : 2151
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Is this white vase Crown Lynn?  No it isn't. Empty Re: Is this white vase Crown Lynn? No it isn't.

Post  Ev Thu 22 Dec - 13:38

Kitsch, that mark on the rim is an accident and will have no relevance to the maker.

Number of posts : 17944
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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