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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. EmptyToday at 16:57 by Ev

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. EmptyToday at 13:32 by mumof1

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. EmptyMon 20 Jan - 16:06 by Ev

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. EmptyMon 20 Jan - 9:45 by Russellk

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. EmptyFri 17 Jan - 10:41 by mumof1

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. EmptyThu 16 Jan - 17:01 by Melita

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. EmptyThu 16 Jan - 16:55 by Cyd

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. EmptyThu 16 Jan - 9:20 by Melita

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. EmptyMon 13 Jan - 18:23 by Ev

Is this Mirek Smisek mark. Yes it is Mirek's mark.

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. Empty Is this Mirek Smisek mark. Yes it is Mirek's mark.

Post  kitsch Tue 28 Mar - 13:06

Found this mug in Waikanae, Kapiti Coast. It looks somewhat like Mirek Smisek’s mark.


Number of posts : 109
Location : Kapiti Coast
Registration date : 2010-08-29

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. Empty Is the Mirek Smisek mark

Post  kitsch Tue 28 Mar - 13:10

Retry to upload photosIs this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. A534c010
Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. A3815310


Number of posts : 109
Location : Kapiti Coast
Registration date : 2010-08-29

chef likes this post

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. Empty Re: Is this Mirek Smisek mark. Yes it is Mirek's mark.

Post  chef Sat 8 Apr - 10:58

Yes Mirek, stamp is correct and the wire marks on the base & the decoration are a bit of a giveaway. Looks like it may be a second though not quite perfect.


Number of posts : 52
Registration date : 2010-09-24

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. Empty Reply to “ Chef” , re Is this Mirek Smisek

Post  kitsch Sat 8 Apr - 14:04

Hi Chef. Thank you for your spot on reply. Ev kindly identified Mirek’s mark on a vase I submitted a month or so back so when I picked up this mug I was reasonably sure it was Mirek’s. The decoration and wire marks were new to me and I appreciate your clear comment as well as picking up on it probably being a second. I agree but I’m pleased nevertheless to have a piece of his work.
I met Mirek a number of times over the years when I was doing wine tasting work in local supermarkets but wasn’t familiar with his work although I knew he was famous for his Crown Lynn and other work.
By chance do you have any ideas of the mark on the other mug I submitted a few weeks back?
Cheers, Kitsch


Number of posts : 109
Location : Kapiti Coast
Registration date : 2010-08-29

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Is this Mirek Smisek mark.  Yes it is Mirek's mark. Empty Re: Is this Mirek Smisek mark. Yes it is Mirek's mark.

Post  chef Sun 9 Apr - 8:18

No idea on the mug, it would have been identified by now either by Ev or one of the other members.
Interestingly you posted a mark on 31 Jan that is the same on a large platter I have. I did post it in the NZ studio pottery FB group but no luck as to who made it.


Number of posts : 52
Registration date : 2010-09-24

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