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5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 EmptyYesterday at 19:31 by JanPots

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5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 EmptyYesterday at 11:13 by Ev

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5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 EmptyYesterday at 11:03 by Ev

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5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 EmptyYesterday at 10:18 by Ev

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5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 EmptyYesterday at 10:09 by Ev

» A Louise Thompson-Parker
5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 EmptyYesterday at 9:59 by Ev

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5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 EmptyYesterday at 7:01 by Ev

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5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 EmptySat 7 Dec - 6:53 by Ev

» Titian on the base of this Urn Style Vase that was made by Crown Lynn
5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 EmptyFri 6 Dec - 12:31 by Ev

5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955

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5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 Empty 5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955

Post  Truffles Sat 1 Jul - 12:04

I've scoured the 3 digit gallery. Have I missed it?

5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 Dsc_2610
5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 Dsc_2611

Number of posts : 53
Registration date : 2020-02-07

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5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 Empty Re: 5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955

Post  Ev Sat 1 Jul - 12:23

Goodness I do believe that this sweet little shape hasn't made it to any Gallery yet!! Even though many have been posted to the site!!
If it's anywhere it will be in the Gallery with No Numbers as it was made between 1948 - 1955 with that stamp and doesn't seem to have a number.

No it doesn't show up there and there is nowhere else to put it. I will sort that out asap.
Thank you for bringing it to my attention cheers

A link to the No Numbers Gallery Very Happy

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 Empty Re: 5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955

Post  Truffles Sat 1 Jul - 12:32

Great! Thanks Ev. I thought my eyes were failing me. 🧐

Number of posts : 53
Registration date : 2020-02-07

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5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 Empty Re: 5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955

Post  Ev Sat 1 Jul - 13:57

I have one as well cheers

The little ribbon bows get me every time I love you
The sweetest little Bonbon dish with a Gainsborough lady on it reproduced by Jon Peters of Amsterdam, Holland in the 1940's.
Made at Crown Lynn c1950.
💝 💛 💖
Thomas Gainsborough 1727-1788.

5" Bonbon dish with No Number 1948 - 1955 Bonbon10

Number of posts : 18015
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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