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Vegetables - Apollo

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Vegetables - Apollo Empty Vegetables - Apollo

Post  CrownPrince Fri 7 Jul - 11:32

Bought an Apollo saucer with vegetables on it - can't seem to find a pattern name - it just has the Ironstone stamp on the back. Thought it might be Covent Garden but that seems to be a different pattern? If anyone knows what the Apollo is please let me know - Thanks!Vegetables - Apollo Img_2710
Vegetables - Apollo 20308411
Vegetables - Apollo 20308410


Number of posts : 80
Registration date : 2023-03-24

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Vegetables - Apollo Empty Re: Vegetables - Apollo

Post  Ev Fri 7 Jul - 12:10

The vegie pattern is called Spice of Life d584 Very Happy

Number of posts : 18010
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Vegetables - Apollo Empty Re: Vegetables - Apollo

Post  CrownPrince Fri 7 Jul - 12:31

Thanks Ev - by the time I get to the S gallery I am sometimes cross-eyed so miss stuff Smile Appreciated as always. Thank you!


Number of posts : 80
Registration date : 2023-03-24

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Vegetables - Apollo Empty Re: Vegetables - Apollo

Post  CrownPrince Fri 7 Jul - 12:34

Just double checked and the gallery goes 'Sparta' then 'Spiderman' so not sure if you have a pic of 'Spice of Life'? If not feel free to use the one I uploaded Smile


Number of posts : 80
Registration date : 2023-03-24

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Vegetables - Apollo Empty Re: Vegetables - Apollo

Post  Ev Fri 7 Jul - 12:44

Oh dear, not sure what happened there!!
We have a topic on this pattern from 2012 ....

I must have slipped up again Rolling Eyes

Number of posts : 18010
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Vegetables - Apollo Empty Re: Vegetables - Apollo

Post  CrownPrince Sat 8 Jul - 6:59

No worries. Someone on that thread suggested the name is "Spice O' Life" (like "Tam O' Shanter"?) but I'll put it down as Spice of Life - thanks again Ev! Smile


Number of posts : 80
Registration date : 2023-03-24

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Vegetables - Apollo Empty Re: Vegetables - Apollo

Post  Ev Sat 8 Jul - 7:56

Hi again, I have a massive Database of all the Crown Lynn Patterns info that I have come across when researching Crown Lynn and there was a pattern called Spice of Life d584 on it and there wasn't a Spice O Life.  
I enjoy the hunt and there are many hundreds more patterns to identify yet cheers
It's a big job mate Wink

Number of posts : 18010
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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