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Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  EmptyFri 17 Jan - 12:46 by Ev

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Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  EmptyFri 17 Jan - 10:41 by mumof1

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Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  EmptyThu 16 Jan - 17:01 by Melita

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Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  EmptyThu 16 Jan - 16:55 by Cyd

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Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  EmptyThu 16 Jan - 9:20 by Melita

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Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  EmptyMon 13 Jan - 18:23 by Ev

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Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  EmptyMon 13 Jan - 17:38 by Ev

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Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  EmptyMon 13 Jan - 0:16 by jamiehatchard

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Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:43 by Ev

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds

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Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Empty Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds

Post  Maryr Sun 9 Jul - 11:55

Hello all
After Webb's auctioned the collection of the late Manos Souris in Nov/Dec 2022, Cam Brown Jnr and Bev Brown talked to me about the origins of the Aquila figurines at that auction.   Many were derived from American moulds.   At that time (1980s) Chris Brown was importing moulds for his Hobby Ceramics business, and some were chosen from the catalogues and adapted by Cam and Bev to make for Orzel/Aquila.  As opposed to Hobby pieces, the Aquila figures are well made, heavy and often beautifully decorated by Bev Brown or Cam Snr.
The following pieces are derived from American moulds.
The two flamingoes and the eagle on a rock were modfied by Cam Brown Snr to make them more stable and to give them a professional looking foot.

My sincere thanks to Webbs for these pics.   The ones used here are derived from screen shots so apologies for the quality.

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Tiger_10

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Bull_a10

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Collie10

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Collie11

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Dog_wi10

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Huntin10

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Owl_am10

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Eagle_10

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Duck_a10

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Prayer10

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Matado10

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Flamin10

Origin of Aquila shapes - these are from American moulds  Flamin11

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Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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