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Kermiko Coffee Jar and Mugs

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Kermiko Coffee Jar and Mugs Empty Kermiko Coffee Jar and Mugs

Post  klepht Sun 16 Jul - 21:55

Hi all

First time poster - looking for a Kermiko coffee jar and up to four coffee mugs as a present for a friend to complete a collection.

Style is as per the picture below:
Kermiko Coffee Jar and Mugs Teaand10

I'm based in New Plymouth and happy to pay for shipping.




Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2023-07-16

Ev and virajg.andhi like this post

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Kermiko Coffee Jar and Mugs Empty Re: Kermiko Coffee Jar and Mugs

Post  suda Sun 21 Jan - 22:22

Are you still wanting.?

Number of posts : 40
Location : Masterton
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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