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Post  Maryr Fri 28 Jul - 16:13

Hi team
I have been pulling Studio Ceramics catalogue photos off the website before they disappear forever.   Below are images of the Retro Lynn range. All photos originated with Studio Ceramics.  Some have been put on this website already but I want to put them all together so they are searchable.
This range was mainly modelled after Crown Lynn shapes though I believe the fish gurgle jug is Titian   The colours and glazes also differentiate this range from the Crown Lynn originals.
Studio Ceramics Retro Lynn  Retro_23
Studio Ceramics Retro Lynn  Retro_20
Studio Ceramics Retro Lynn  Retro_21
Studio Ceramics Retro Lynn  Retro_22
Studio Ceramics Retro Lynn  Retro_24
Studio Ceramics Retro Lynn  Retro_25
Studio Ceramics Retro Lynn  Retro_26
Studio Ceramics Retro Lynn  Retro_27
Studio Ceramics Retro Lynn  Retro_28
Studio Ceramics Retro Lynn  Retro_29
Studio Ceramics Retro Lynn  Retro_30

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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