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Studio Ceramics Dinnerware and mugs etc

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Studio Ceramics  Dinnerware and mugs etc  Empty Studio Ceramics Dinnerware and mugs etc

Post  Maryr Fri 28 Jul - 16:38

This is by no means a comprehensive catalogue of the ware made at Studio Ceramics.  I have taken the photos off the Studio Ceramics website before they disappear forever.   Studio Ceramics closed in 2017.

Studio Ceramics  Dinnerware and mugs etc  Plates10

Studio Ceramics  Dinnerware and mugs etc  Plates12

Studio Ceramics  Dinnerware and mugs etc  Plates11

Studio Ceramics  Dinnerware and mugs etc  Plates13

Studio Ceramics  Dinnerware and mugs etc  Mugs_p10

Number of posts : 1994
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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