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New Pattern identified! Chateau d73100 Vitrified.

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New Pattern identified!  Chateau d73100 Vitrified. Empty New Pattern identified! Chateau d73100 Vitrified.

Post  Ev Mon 14 Aug - 14:00

This pattern was made in the 1980's and had Shape 3641 cups.
I've had these pieces for years,  but only worked out today what they were as they only have the Gibpat stamp.
This is the same pattern as Horizon d745 which is Rimmed and stamped Horizon and also the Ansett d72 which has Ansett on the base and is Coupe shaped !!

New Pattern identified!  Chateau d73100 Vitrified. 20230810

New Pattern identified!  Chateau d73100 Vitrified. 20230811

This photo is from a Gibpat advert that is at Te Toi Uku ...

New Pattern identified!  Chateau d73100 Vitrified. Chatea10

Number of posts : 17951
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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New Pattern identified!  Chateau d73100 Vitrified. Empty Re: New Pattern identified! Chateau d73100 Vitrified.

Post  CrownPrince Wed 16 Aug - 7:24

What a great old image! Yes it definitely looks like Chateau - thanks once again Ev Smile


Number of posts : 80
Registration date : 2023-03-24

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