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MERCER Railway Refreshment Rooms cup

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MERCER Railway Refreshment Rooms cup Empty MERCER Railway Refreshment Rooms cup

Post  Stagememories Sat 26 Aug - 0:36

Thanks for accepting me into the group.  I'm in the UK, and this week found a cup in a charity shop, with a blue logo, for the Railway Refreshment Rooms in Mercer.  I've done a little digging, and it appears that this is from Mercer NZ, though how it found its way to England is a mystery.  I found some similar cups online, but all have a code number inside the belted logo, while mine definitely has "MERCER".  Does this mean it is an earlier (or later?) example than the others?  The transfer print is not great, so maybe this was a factory reject that never made its way down under, assuming it was made in one of the Staffordshire potteries in England? I'd really appreciate any information the group can give me.

MERCER Railway Refreshment Rooms cup Mercer10


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2023-08-25

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MERCER Railway Refreshment Rooms cup Empty Re: MERCER Railway Refreshment Rooms cup

Post  Ev Sat 26 Aug - 8:19

Hi there and welcome to the site 😀

Your cup is in the booklet Railway Refresh in New Zealand.
They were made in England by one of the reputable potteries sometime in the late 1800's to early 1900's
Hope that helps.

MERCER Railway Refreshment Rooms cup 20230813

Number of posts : 17914
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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