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Paul Wotherspoon regarding his marks ....

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Paul Wotherspoon regarding his marks .... Empty Paul Wotherspoon regarding his marks ....

Post  Ev Thu 26 Oct - 8:00

Many thanks to Paul for leaving a note about his marks Very Happy

" paul wotherspoon : There seems to be some confusion about my marks.. an earlier comment by myself refers to my two marks. The first, an impressed PW was used from 1975 to sometime in the 80’s when I changed it to a scratched PW with the tail of the W looping around and over the top, as seen as an inset in an earlier comment by someone. I neglected to make a note of before starting this. The addition of the year and NZ followed shortly after, until i ceased production in 2005. I hope that this clarifies this confusion. May i add that I would like to meet Gwyn Williams for a chat about this sometime."

These are the two marks that Paul refers to and any other variations are not his:

1975 - c1985:

Paul Wotherspoon regarding his marks .... Wother10

c1985 - 2005:

Paul Wotherspoon regarding his marks .... Wother11

Number of posts : 18009
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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