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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? EmptyFri 17 Jan - 12:46 by Ev

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? EmptyFri 17 Jan - 10:41 by mumof1

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? EmptyThu 16 Jan - 17:01 by Melita

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? EmptyThu 16 Jan - 16:55 by Cyd

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? EmptyThu 16 Jan - 9:20 by Melita

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? EmptyMon 13 Jan - 18:23 by Ev

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? EmptyMon 13 Jan - 17:38 by Ev

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? EmptyMon 13 Jan - 0:16 by jamiehatchard

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? EmptyWed 8 Jan - 12:43 by Ev

Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please?

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? Empty Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please?

Post  kitsch Mon 18 Mar - 17:52

This large bowl is 23.5 cm diameter and approx 6.8 cm deep. It looks like a three digit number has been stamped in the base.There is pencil writing on the base probably by the retailer with 17/6 being I guess 17 shillings and sixpence. It may not be that apparent from the photo but there are what I call “flute” cuttings at 6 cm spacing around the bowl circumference. It gives me the impression of the old painted Crown Lynn but I can’t pick it up from the gallery. Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? Img_2422
Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? Img_2423


Number of posts : 109
Location : Kapiti Coast
Registration date : 2010-08-29

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? Empty Re: Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please?

Post  Ev Tue 19 Mar - 7:10

Hi, this cold painted decoration is not in the style done in NZ.
Most likely it is English, but I haven't found one the same shape yet.

I'm sure Crown Lynn did a 'fluted' float bowl, but I haven't located it and will go back and have another look when I get a chance.

Number of posts : 18048
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? Empty Re: Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please?

Post  kitsch Tue 19 Mar - 8:40

“Cold” fits. It has a cold look and feel. Thanks Ev for the info.


Number of posts : 109
Location : Kapiti Coast
Registration date : 2010-08-29

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? Empty Re: Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please?

Post  kitsch Tue 19 Mar - 9:37

Hi Ev. A further look in the sunlight and after a clean. There is a line diametrically opposed on each side of the bowl. The incised number at a guess looks like 437 or 427. Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? Img_1710


Number of posts : 109
Location : Kapiti Coast
Registration date : 2010-08-29

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? Empty Re: Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please?

Post  Ev Tue 19 Mar - 9:57

I can't get it to fit anywhere and think it's an import with that brown paint kitsch Smile

Number of posts : 18048
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please? Empty Re: Is this large brown painted bowl Crown Lynn please?

Post  kitsch Tue 19 Mar - 10:10

Many thanks for your efforts Ev. I’m working through collection as you may have guessed by the number of posts. Hope this is OK. I’m learning heaps but I don’t want to guess and your information and confirmations are invaluable.


Number of posts : 109
Location : Kapiti Coast
Registration date : 2010-08-29

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